The Thrill and Terror of Launching: How to Overcome Freezing Up

As I write this, I’m days away from launching. And frankly, I’m struggling with fear.

Photo by DLR/ Thilo Kratz

Photo by DLR/ Thilo Kratz

I’ve labored on this blog for a year.   Starting from the concept, strategy, and niche to searching for the style and my voice.  Then designing the site, writing articles, throwing some away and writing the ebook.

And now I wonder, “Will it flop or work?  Will I look like a fool or a genius?”

In my darker moments I ask myself, “Why did I even think I could do this?”

Yet, if I don’t I’ll be left only with the doubts, “What if I had tried?  What’s the worst that can happen?”


So as I sit in my study writing on a warm summer morning, I choose instead to fill my mind with encouraging memories.

A friend, turned off to church, who said after we had discussed the blog, “Put me on your mailing list when you launch.”

Another friend, raised a Catholic who rarely goes to church and struggles spiritually, said, “I would love to read it.”

A friend who devotedly read my previous blog and often told me how much the spiritual insights meant to her.

My daughter, also my editor, who after reading through my ebook said, “I really like where your blog is going.”

And a long time friend, who in the last week I spent a late evening discussing his questions about spirituality.  He was not raised in a church but has become interested in learning more.

So as I focus on those that I care about the fear drifts away.  I’m not writing for me anymore.  Oh, I’m in this journey too and I want to grow as well.  But I’m writing for them and others like them.

The fear still nips at my ankles.  But I can keep it leashed most of the time.

John writes, “There is no fear in love.  But perfect love drives out fear.”  (I John 4:18)


Love and fear cannot coexist. 

As we launch into new ventures we always feel fear.   Frankly, if we don’t either what we’re attempting is unimportant or too easy.  Or we’re delusional.

We’re launching our dream.  Everything rides on it.

And we begin to question, “Can I pull this off?”

And that’s ok—for a moment.  But if we let it rule then we freeze up.

We all know people who are gifted yet never allowed their talent to blossom.  We sense their frustration.  Maybe, you’re one of them.

Fear creeps in and says, “You can’t do this.  You’ll look like a fool.”


So how can we overcome this?

The same way I’m struggling to do.

Focus on those you can help.  Picture them in your mind.

Think about the gift you can bring to them.  Picture helping them.  See the smile on their face.

Think about all the blessings God has given you already.  All that you have to share.

Then imagine the feeling of sharing those gifts.  Sense the satisfaction and joy.

As you do you’ll find a release to launch.  Your mind can focus either on love or fear but not both.

So focus on the gift you can give to the ones that you love.  It will set you free to live your dreams.

But what about when that fear still creeps in?  When we just can’t keep it tamed?  We’ll discuss that next.


What do you focus on in the midst of a launch?  How has that helped you?


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