Unexpected Answers to Prayers

Number 21 in the series “God Rocks: 101 Amazing Everyday Gifts!” Stories and promises of the awesome blessings God gives us each day. I hope it encourages you today!


Let’s be real. We all face struggles that simply seem insurmountable.


Photo Credit: Kim Seng

Photo Credit: Kim Seng


A health issue that can’t be fixed with a couple of pills.

A marriage that implodes no matter we do.

A job that dead ends no matter how hard you work.

Financial setbacks beyond of your control.

And I see commonly one of three responses.

“I don’t need any help. I can fix it myself.”

Or, “I don’t know why God did this to me and I want nothing to do with him.”

Or, “God here is exactly how I want you to fix this.”


The problem with all three? They often end in frustration and despair.



Because the first two leave God out of the equation so he won’t answer.

And the third makes God the genie in the bottle. And when God answers in unexpected ways either we don’t recognize it or we’re angry because it wasn’t according to our plan so in a way we don’t accept it. [Read more…]