We looked previously at what to do when a relationship explodes and you can’t restore it.
But what happens when finding peace proves impossible?
Some years ago I had a friendship completely melt down with deep hurts on both sides. Yet, we saw each other regularly because of circumstances we couldn’t avoid.
I tried to reconcile the relationship but this friend was having none of it. Often my attempts were met with rejection or sometimes retaliation. This would then elicit somewhat less than exemplary reactions from me.
There were times I would see him and say hi only to have him turn around and walk away without response.
Sometimes I could separate myself from him physically. I just avoided him and that worked pretty well.
If I couldn’t avoid him I’d mentally separate telling myself it didn’t matter. That worked often too.
Then he’d blind side me with something new that would leave me stunned for a day or two.
No matter what I tried I just couldn’t find a place of peace in the relationship.