3 Perspectives That Determine if You’ll See a Miracle

When I entered into a relationship with Jesus, as I’ve written about, I was blind-sided by some of the responses.

My life was radically changed. I mean, I went from messed up, self centered and depressed to directed, caring, and joyful.

Yet the responses were all over the board.


Photo Credit: Anita

Photo Credit: Anita


One acquaintance, who’d recently experienced a similar transformation, said, “Fabulous! Let’s talk. Tell me about it.”

And we grew to be close friends.

An on and off girl friend, who lived in a distant city, remarked when I saw her afterwards, “Yeah, I heard you’d become a Jesus freak.”

I laughed and replied, “Wow, I’m not sure I’m a Jesus freak but I have always been a little wacked out.” And went on to tell her what had happened.

She responded, “You know, that’s great for you. It’s just not my thing right now.”

A third friend was one of my closest growing up. His mom was like a second mom.

See they were Armenian so there was always lots of family events and eating going on. And I was just one of the kids. So often I spent more time at their home than my own.

He told me, “I talked to my mom about what happened to you. She talked with our priest and he said I needed to be careful. This isn’t according to their doctrines.”


To say I was bewildered would be an understatement.


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How to Make Sure You Never See a Miracle

At a church service about a year ago we listened to the pastor explain why he didn’t believe God worked miracles any longer.


Photo Credit:  byronv2

Photo Credit: byronv2


He carefully exegeted a scripture passage and explained the theological position he’d learned in seminary.

He finished by saying, “You may view things differently but I’ve never seen a true extraordinary miracle.”

I thought, “No kidding. I wonder why?”

I was reminded of that when I read this story of Jesus performing a miracle.

A man with a paralyzed hand is in the synagogue where Jesus goes to worship. Jesus has a discourse with some religious fundamentalists about the legality of healing on the Sabbath.

Finally, Jesus says to the man, “Stretch out your hand.”

He does and Jesus heals him instantly.

It says then the religious leaders left angry and discussed how to get rid of this interloper Jesus.


I wondered, “How could they have seen what just happened and yet completely missed it?”


Yet, the same thing happens with us sometimes too doesn’t it? Well, at least it does with me.

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Do You Need God’s Miracle and His Guidance?

Have you ever faced a challenge when you just wished you could see a God work a miracle and hear him speak?

Or more frustrating have you ever had a time you experienced that and now you’re facing a struggle but God seems to have left on vacation?

I can personally say yes to both.


Photo Credit: Frederic Poirot

Photo Credit: Frederic Poirot


I went through a serious medical challenge about eight years ago that was misdiagnosed and left me debilitated. Yet I watched as God arranged “coincidences” in miraculous ways and spoke to my heart which eventually led to my full recovery.

Fast forward to today. Honestly, when I write most mornings, I sense God’s leading. In fact sometimes I’m surprised by where posts come out. Although I would guess sometimes God’s probably surprised by what I come up with also.

Yet, to be honest I’m also frustrated with my blog at times. It continues to grow but excruciatingly slow. I pray regularly for God to show me how to grow it fast. Yet, what do I get?

Well, actually I do sense one answer, “Wait.” But frankly I don’t like that answer. I don’t do waiting well. And no don’t ask my wife.


So, it causes me to question again, “Why do I sometimes see God act and hear his quiet voice? And other times he seems to have left the building?”


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What is the Secret Formula for Seeing the Miracles of God?

I’ve wrestled at times with trying to determine how to consistently see the miracles of God.

I’ve prayed for people and really no fooling seen God work a miracle.

So I’ve thought, “Ok, now I’ve got the formula figured out. Follow these steps and shazam!”

Yet, frustratingly I’ve followed those steps letter perfect and no shazam.


Photo Credit: Tim Ellis

Photo Credit: Tim Ellis


When I’ve asked Christian friends usually I get a variation on a couple of standard answers.

“Well, you just need to have more faith.” Or, “You just need to be filled with the Holy Spirit more.”

So I try really hard to have more faith. But it just never seems to work.

Or the other very pious answer, “You have leave it up to God and pray, ‘Not my will but yours be done.’”

The only thing is before I knew better I mistakenly prayed for God to work some miracles and he did.

So where does that leave me?

See I’m a checklist guy. I like simple step by step formulas that work every time.


But God frustratingly seems to not follow my checklist.


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How to Live in a Relationship with the Miracle Working God

Frankly, if I wasn’t a believer I don’t think I’d ever go to church. Well actually, I don’t go real often now.

I mean most of it seems so powerless and detached. Why bother? I can only endure so much rote ritual and still call it fun.


Photo Credit: Ojie Paloma

Photo Credit: Ojie Paloma


So often what’s taught is deep theological thoughts about a God who set up this universe then got bored with it all so he retired. Oh and of course the minutia of correct doctrine also.

Which, by the way, I personally find absolutely fascinating. Yeah, not so much.

But when life hits the fan and we really need a God who’s there and isn’t on vacation we’re left with little confidence he’ll actually intercede.


Also we’re left with a brain packed with correct doctrine but little real power.


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How to See a Miracle in Your Unsolvable Challenge

Let’s face it, we all get blindsided by seemingly unsolvable challenges.

You know the ones motivational speakers maddingly call “opportunities in disguise.” You know the ones we maybe just occasionally wish those same motivational speakers would experience just once.


Photo Credit: danna (curious tangles)

Photo Credit: danna (curious tangles)


We face an unresponsive medical problem, unfixable marriage or wee bit of a nagging addiction.

Or we wake up way too many mornings depressed and hopeless.

Or we eternally struggle financially.

Then too often what do we hear besides the above wonderful answer?

Maybe at church some kind religious saint offers a humble prayer with about as much spiritual power as a Hallmark card inscription.

Or maybe that Sunday the pastor drones on about how God doesn’t work miracles anymore until our eyes glaze and we look for the closest door.

Or we read a motivational blog that says, “Just think positively. Send out positive vibes into the universe that will come around eventually to you.”


And I wonder, “So how long does it take for positive vibe energy to make its way back because frankly I’m in a bit of a hurry here.”


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How to See God’s Power Unleashed in Your Problem

Number 51 in the series “God Rocks: 101 Amazing Everyday Gifts!” The miracles and promises of Jesus that show us the awesome blessings we can experience each day. I hope it encourages you!


Let’s be real, there are times we all face problems that are way beyond our power to fix.

We’re cruising along peacefully and suddenly, wham, we get blindsided.

And often it seems the more we try to solve it the worse things get.


Photo Credit: Gwenael Piaser

Photo Credit: Gwenael Piaser


So what do we naturally do?

Well I, way too often, find myself getting mad at God or someone else. Criticizing society or the government. Bemoaning some past failure. A whole array of less than constructive responses.

And frankly I find the help we get at church often not much better.

We may get the “super powers” response. “Just claim what you want. Jesus, because he’s in Heaven, has given us all power to get whatever we ask.”

Or the opposite “super saint” response. “Pray in the most general of terms and always end with, ‘But not my will but thine be done’.” You’ve got to pray in King James English you know or it doesn’t count.


Yet I find way too often little happens and I question why?


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When You Get to the End of Yourself

Number 44 in the series “God Rocks: 101 Amazing Everyday Gifts!” The miracles and promises of Jesus that show us the awesome blessings we can experience each day. I hope it encourages you!


I’m at my wits end with a problem. By all accounts it’s insignificant yet still important to me and perplexing.

We live in the country so through the years we’ve adopted many stray cats.

One we have now is very shy and yet my little buddy. As I write this in our sunroom, he’s laying on the sofa next to me so I can reach over and pet him.

A couple of weeks ago he seemed sick so we took him to the vet. She diagnosed diabetes. Ugh!


Photo Credit: Kristof Borkowski

Photo Credit: Kristof Borkowski


We’ve changed his diet and now I have to give him insulin shots twice a day. Let me tell you that brings new meaning to the word exciting.

Now he’s become more and more illusive. Yet, if I can’t give him his shots he dies.

I know this is pretty low on the importance scale compared to what each of us face at times and maybe what you’re facing right now. But I still find myself perplexed. [Read more…]

Three Reactions to a Miracle

Number 40 in the series “God Rocks: 101 Amazing Everyday Gifts!” Stories and promises of Jesus that show us the awesome blessings we can experience each day. I hope it encourages you!


I was having lunch with a friend who’s an atheist. We sat in the restaurant patio on a warm fall afternoon discussing belief in God.

Sweeping his arm he said, “I look around at all of this nature and the cosmos and I don’t see God anywhere.”

I responded, “I look around at all of this and I see God everywhere.”


Photo Credit: Hartwig HKD

Photo Credit: Hartwig HKD


A few years ago I went through a serious medical issue that was misdiagnosed by my doctor. I deteriorated for months with no cure in sight. Then a couple of “coincidences” led me to discover the core issue and a natural cure for it.

When I shared my good news with friends several responded, “Wow, what luck!”

Yet, I’ve responded often, “No, what a miracle.”

We attended a church for a while that taught, “Miracles are not applicable for today.”


And you know what? They proved their theory correct. They never saw miracles.


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Some Keys to Seeing a Miracle

Number 39 in the series “God Rocks: 101 Amazing Everyday Gifts!” Stories and promises of Jesus that show us the awesome blessings we can experience each day. I hope it encourages you!


Let’s be honest. There are times we all need a miracle.

I mean some challenges just seem impossible. And we’d really like God’s intervention even if we’re not sure we believe in it.


Photo Credit: Meena Kadri

Photo Credit: Meena Kadri


Frankly, I’ve prayed for people and seen miracles. Hey, I’ve seen miracles in my own life.

But I’ve also prayed and nothing miraculous happened. Or at least I never saw it.

So I’ve often wondered, “What’s the difference?  Why sometimes a miracle and sometimes seemingly zilch?”

In addition I’ve seen some super saints prayed for and nothing.

And I’ve seen some who would at best be considered marginally spiritual and boom something amazing happen.

Yet, what concerns me also is what comes out of that.

Sometimes people give up. They think, “It’s all bogus or I just don’t have enough faith.”

Or the other side, “Hey, I prayed and God answered exactly like I asked. Wow, this is so cool.” And it is right up until God doesn’t pop out of the bottle next time like they expect.


So it’s left me wondering, “What are the keys to seeing a miracle?”


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