If you want some interesting theories about God ask that question at a cocktail party after everyone’s had a few drinks. And no I never do.
But I have the topic come up in conversation not that infrequently.
Often, as we all do, I’m asked, “So what do you do for a living?”
I’ll tell them.
Then they ask, “So how long have you been doing this?”
I answer. They look at me doing the math.
Then ask, “So what did you do before?”
When I answer, “I pastored a church”, it starts. Inevitably they respond, “Well, you know, I have my own theories about God.”
I feign surprise, “Oh really?”
And off we go.
Often it’s a mixture of various religious teachings. They include the parts they like and leave out the ones that are inconvenient.
I find often it comes off as some doting fragile grandfather. Or as something so ethereal that I wouldn’t be able to recognize him if he was the one over in the corner having scotch on the rocks.
I thank them for their revelational insights and quickly excuse myself to refresh my drink.
But it also reminds me of when I was exactly the same.
And how impossible it was to know who God really is in my own power.
I mean how can we?