Secrets of the Amazing Fruitful Life

I was the least likely candidate in the world to become a spiritually focused writer.


Wheat Train


I mean when I first entered into a relationship with God in college I didn’t know much of anything. Oh, I was raised in a church. I remember the flannel board Bible stories. Yeah I know, but that was high tech back in the dark ages.

Yet, most of it seemed detached from my life. Well, except for the cute girls in the youth group. I wanted attachment with them.

But somehow I reluctantly and tentatively entered into a relationship with God in college.


And then I grew hungry to learn more and experience fully this amazing life he offers.


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How to Cultivate a Fruitful Life

My wife had an aunt who in her charismatic church was one of those people who spoke in tongues regularly in the worship services. When there was a lull and no one else stood up she often would. Then she’d deliver a message in a language no one had heard before.

Later after church when she was preparing Sunday dinner at home, I’ve been told though, that if one of the kids messed up look out. She could go off in a tirade using language that people had heard before but few used at least in polite company shall we say.

I met her a few times, when Jennifer and I were first married, and I would have to say she was not what I’d call a peaceful person.


Photo Credit: Anguskirk

Photo Credit: Anguskirk


Another snapshot was when I was in seminary. Some of the students who most stringently followed all of the spiritual and seminary rules got the best grades but frankly were the least fun to hang around.


To be honest I didn’t exactly ever fit in. Actually, I still probably wouldn’t.


I can also say though that I’ve had times when I was caught up in trying to live an exemplary life so God would bless me. And I wasn’t much fun to be around either.

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From Boredom to a Fruitful Life

Number 27 in the series “God Rocks: 101 Amazing Everyday Gifts!” Stories and promises of the awesome blessings God gives us each day. I hope it encourages you today!


To be honest I find most churches boring.

I know that seems odd coming from an ex-pastor. Yet, I found seminary and pastor’s conferences to be even worse.


Photo Credit: Julie Falk

Photo Credit: Julie Falk


I can be a bit irreverent towards institutional religion. Talking about stuff that really helps no one I find detached and wastes time.

All the long faces and serious theological discussions just tees me up to say something off kilter to get a response.

But the real problem I see is so many people attending those churches live bored unproductive lives. Just going through the motions putting up with life until Jesus beams them up.


And so many people outside the church look on and with good reason say, “No thanks.”


That’s the real shame because I believe God intended this life to be powerful, productive and exciting. [Read more…]