Working and Seeing Miracles

[Jesus said] “I tell you the truth, whoever trusts in me will do the miraculous works I have been doing, and in fact will do even greater works because I am going to be with the Father.” (John 14: 12)

Seeing God

[Jesus said] “If you know me you also know my Father.  From now on you do know him and will see him.” (John 14: 7)

The Way to God

“Jesus answered, ‘I am the way, and the truth and real life.  Everyone who comes to the Father comes through me.'” (John 14: 6)

Always with God

[Jesus said], “After I get everything ready I will come back and take you with me so you will always be where I am.” (John 14: 3)

Your Place in the Father’s House

[Jesus said] “My Father’s house has plenty of room for you.  And I’m going on ahead to prepare a place for you.” (John 14: 2) 

The Cure for Anxiety

[Jesus said] “Don’t let your hearts and minds be troubled.  Trust in the Father and trust in me.” (John 14: 1)

Loved and Loving

[Jesus said] “Everyone will know that you are my disciples when they see the love you are filled with and that you share with each other.” (John 13: 35)

Accepting and Being Accepted

[Jesus said] “Whoever accepts and receives me accepts and receives the Father who sent me.” (John 13: 20)

Real Life Forever

[Jesus said], “I know that the Father’s commands lead to real life which goes on for eternity.” (John 12: 50)

Saved not Judged

[Jesus said] “I did not come into the world to judge it but instead I came to save it.” (John 12: 47)