Does it ever feel to you like our world is exploding in one giant holocaust?
I mean, I won’t even turn on the news any more.
A terrorist set off a bomb killing scores of people. War broke out on a new front. The economy is tanking or certainly predicted to for the hundredth time.
And that doesn’t even count all the challenges you face personally does it?
It’s enough to make you want to go live in a monastery isn’t it? Well except for, you know, all the stuff you have to give up.
So how do you find peace in the midst of this crazy world?
Jesus gives a remarkable answer.
“I have told you all of these secrets so that in your relationship with me you will discover peace.”
He says simply, “Live with me and then you’ll discover an unexplainable peace.”
A peace, that no matter what is blowing up around you, fills you from the inside.
No matter what you face you’ll have peace Jesus is with you because he promised.
I’ll tell you, I’ve experienced that peace. And this is from a person who could turn worrying into an art form.
It’s real. It’s yours.
But I’m still not turning on the news.
*John 16:33
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