God Rocks #19: Surprising Abundance

Part of the series “God Rocks: 101 Amazing Everyday Gifts!” Stories and promises of the awesome blessings God gives us each day. I hope it encourages you today!


The church is at war about whether we should expect abundance and prosperity in this life or not.


Photo Credit:  JD Hancock

Photo Credit: JD Hancock


One camp says, “If you claim it God will deliver it. Whatever you want state it and God will fulfill it.”

The other camp recites their motto, “If it doesn’t play in Calcutta it isn’t true.” In other words, “If what you’re expecting isn’t the same in the most destitute of circumstances then it’s not truth.”


Yet, the problem I see with both of these positions is they leave people frustrated and discouraged.


The first one puts God in a bottle as a genie and us as the master. And frankly God doesn’t play that role so well. So when it fails people think God failed.

And the second view leaves people expecting little in this life beyond subsistence. Which frankly isn’t very attracting.

Yet, I see God promising something entirely different.


Jesus said, “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” (Matthew 6: 33 NIV)


All the promises we’ve previously looked at in the Sermon on the Mount pivot on this verse.

And he says we enter into a relationship with God simply by choosing we want to live in his kingdom and accepting his gift of being made right with him. Then we unleash all of the blessings he’s promised.


And what are these blessings he refers to?


First, he’ll provide for our physical and financial needs. We simply will not be left destitute.

Second, he’ll give us an abundance beyond that for us both to enjoy and to enjoy of blessing of sharing.

Third, we’re made a part of his kingdom. And not just any part but a child of the king. And we receive all the blessings of being his child.

Fourth, we receive the gift of God’s forgiveness and rightness with him. We’re set free from trying to give it to ourselves which we can never do.

Fifth, we’re released from worrying about all of these things. We’re given peace and joy instead which sets us free to live in the amazing life Jesus offers.

Sixth, we’re part of his kingdom forever. It will never end and we can have that assurance now.


Now that to me is surprising abundance. And it plays in Calcutta too! {Tweet This}


How have you seen God fulfill those amazing promises in your life?

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