“Jesus Christ is always the same, yesterday, today and forever.” (Hebrews 13:8)
Prayer: Jesus, thank you that your love and promises never change. Help me rest in that assurance.
spiritual hacks for a miraculous life
“Jesus Christ is always the same, yesterday, today and forever.” (Hebrews 13:8)
Prayer: Jesus, thank you that your love and promises never change. Help me rest in that assurance.
“Whatever you ask for in prayer, if you really believe, you will receive it.” (Matthew 21:22)
Prayer: Father, thank you for your power and love which is limitless. Help me believe, to see it.
“God is my fortress and strength. He is always with me even in troubles.” (Psalm 46: 1)
Prayer Today: Lord, sometimes I feel overwhelmed with challenges. Thank you for protecting and strengthening me. Be with me now.
“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart for something special.” (Jeremiah 1: 5)
Prayer Today: Father, when I feel down you remind me I’m special. Help me to live today the life you created for me.
“Seek and you will find.” (Matthew 7:7)
When you run out of answers before you run out of challenges you have an amazing opportunity.
To seek and find God’s answers which are beyond anything you can imagine.
“Ask and it will be given to you.” (Matthew 7:7)
When you’ve struggled way too long and run out of questions.
Then ask the one who has the answers and he says, “I will give it. No questions asked.”
Do you ever feel like maybe God isn’t really there? Does a twinge of doubt occasionally pinch you?
Particularly when facing a crisis and you’re up to your eyeballs in challenges?
And you’ve done all you can, you’ve done the right things, you’ve lived like you’re supposed to.
Yet, the problems persist and then you wonder, “Where is God in all this? Why doesn’t he answer my prayers? Does he care? Is he even there?”
A lot of people have been there. I certainly have.
But I’ve also seen the truth of what the Psalmist writes and God promises.
“He will call to me and I will answer him; I will be with him in times of trouble. I will deliver and honor him.”
He doesn’t say, “When you’ve done everything perfectly.”
He says, “When you call, I will answer.”
And he promises to deliver you out of every one of your troubles and bring you honor.
What an amazing promise.
Yes, sometimes the answer may be delayed. And it may be different than you expected. And it may come in ways you didn’t anticipate.
But God says he will answer and bless you.
And all you need to do is ask and expect.
After all, you are his child.
*Psalm 91:15
What do you face that seems overwhelming? What challenge looms larger than your abilities?
Maybe a health challenge? A financial challenge? A marital challenge? A family challenge?
And you’ve worked hard on it, you really have. Yet, nothing seems to work. And the challenge remains.
And now you’re worn out and worried.
Well there’s good news.
When we reach the end of our abilities we enter the realm of seeing God’s. When we have no more we can do then we see what God can do.
Paul wrote, “”If God is for us who can stand against us?”
I encourage you to make that personal and say, “If God is with me who or what can overcome me?”
See, your power may fail. Your solutions may come up short.
But God’s power is unlimited. He knows the end from the beginning.
And God loves you with an unfailing love that simply will not be conquered.
So, if you’ve entered into that relationship with him then rest in that promise.
If you’ve never entered into that relationship then simply ask, right now.
Then no matter what you face you can say with confidence, “God is with me and nothing and no one can overcome me.”
*Romans 8:31
We live in a confusing and challenging world don’t we? Seems like every day something new pops up.
And when it doesn’t you worry it will.
You go to the doctor for a minor ache and he gives you that concerned look.
The business where you work gets bought out and needs to downsize.
The transmission in your 8 year old Honda starts making a funny noise that you pretend you can’t hear.
You look forward to a great retirement and find out you saved too little and invested poorly.
Yet, in the midst, God gives a promise that at first seems too simplistic. Yet, I’ve found those are the best kind. Even I can understand them.
“Meditate on my word continually then you’ll prosper and succeed.”
See sometimes, I think, we make things way more complicated than needed.
God simply says, “Take my word and infuse it into your mind.”
Then you gain confidence. You look at life through the lens of his promises rather than your challenges.
You gain insight. You see answers rather than only questions.
And God guides your mind along the path he wants you to take.
Then he promises you will prosper and succeed.
And why not? God your father delights in blessing you his child.
Sure beats worrying doesn’t it?
*Joshua 1:8
It doesn’t take long to find out your weaknesses does it?
As kids we figure it out pretty quick. Parents and teachers give out participation trophies yet we all know don’t we?
Maybe, like me, you were the last picked for baseball games. And the team captains kept looking around hoping someone was hiding.
Maybe, like me, you struggled with a learning disability.
Maybe you were always the last one asked to the dance.
And that’s just childhood. Yikes! Adulthood brings a whole new train load doesn’t it?
Yet, the good news is that’s not the end of the story. It’s only the first chapter.
See Paul promised something amazing.
He said, “When I accept I am weak then I become truly strong.”
When you realize and accept you have built in weaknesses. Then you can start down the road to real power.
Because you come to God and say, “God accept me as I am, change me and fill me with your power.”
And the amazing thing? He does.
Some of the most successful people I know are ones who are deeply flawed yet took on God’s power. And in that power they did amazing things.
I’m living proof this works.
I’m even pretty good now at baseball. Ok, well not so much.
*2 Corinthians 12:10
I write about how to discover the miraculous life God offers each of us, from a non-religious perspective.
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