The Thrill and Terror of Launching: When Confidence Fails

Frankly, as I prepare to launch this blog adventure doubts still gnaw inside.  They ambush me in the quiet hours.

This writing is something I care passionately about but honestly at times wished I didn’t.

Photo by DLR/ Thilo Kratz

Photo by DLR/ Thilo Kratz


I’ve asked myself and God, “I’ve launched other successful ventures before.  Why not just rest on that?  I don’t need this.”

But the passion burns.  When I’ve tried to put it aside it feels like something died.  I simply must try.

So as I sit in our sunroom writing these words I’m reminded not only of Jesus’ promises to be with me but also how often in past ventures I sensed that.


I ask myself, “Will this time be any different?


[Read more…]

“This might not work.”

“That’s the chance you and I have to take, if we want to get ahead of the curve.  Ahead of the curve is where hits happen. . . .  If we call ourselves artists or entrepreneurs, that’s where you and I have to live too.”  Steven Pressfield

Fear and Love Cannot Coexist

This is from yesterday’s post.  You can read it here.

The Thrill and Terror of Launching: How to Overcome Freezing Up

As I write this, I’m days away from launching. And frankly, I’m struggling with fear.

Photo by DLR/ Thilo Kratz

Photo by DLR/ Thilo Kratz

I’ve labored on this blog for a year.   Starting from the concept, strategy, and niche to searching for the style and my voice.  Then designing the site, writing articles, throwing some away and writing the ebook.

And now I wonder, “Will it flop or work?  Will I look like a fool or a genius?” [Read more…]

We Can Only Win the Race that We Run Unhindered

This is from yesterday’s post.  To read the rest of it click here!

The Thrill and Terror of Launching: Lift Off

Launch day!   A moment filled with excitement and fear.

Excitement after a year of strategizing, writing and designing this blog.

Fear that now I’m committed.  I’m putting my ideas out there to help and be criticized.

I worry, “Can I keep this up?  Will I run out of posts?  Will I fail?”


Photo by DLR/ Thilo Kratz

Photo by DLR/ Thilo Kranz


I’ve written before with encouraging responses.  I’ve had published articles and guest posts.  I also wrote a blog for a year with some success.

But this is different.  This feels more determined, more committed, bigger. [Read more…]