The Power to Overcome Anything

Life can be scary sometimes.

I mean world problems spinning out of control.

Our economy suddenly crashing.

Then throw in calamities that blind side us. Our heath collapses. Marriage stresses. Our business or career blows up. [Read more…]

When You Pray and the Sky Seems Frozen

Let’s face it. We all get slammed at times with the unexpected and the difficult.

We’re cruising along peacefully and suddenly wham we’re blindsided.

It may be a challenge in our marriage.

We get laid off from our job or our business contracts.

We get a dreaded phone call from our doctor.

And suddenly our world turns upside down.

So we pray but the sky seems like the underside of a frozen lake. [Read more…]

How to Pray So It Works Most of the Time

I can tell you all about prayer that doesn’t work. I know, just what you’re looking for.

Before I committed my life to God I prayed sometimes.

I’d screw up (not that unusual). Get in a jam. Try to finagle my way out. Screw it up worse.
And finally think, “Well, why not try praying? What have I got to lose?” [Read more…]

Your Problems Don’t Surprise God

Most of time we have our lives all wrapped up in neat little boxes.  God’s tucked away in his proper box.  We’re following tidy three step plans for success.  Living under the radar.

Then wham we get smacked by the unexpected.

And we think, “What happened?  Where is God?  How could he let this happen?”

And it leaves us wondering, “Can and will God help me?  Is this one is beyond his power or concern?” [Read more…]

The Power of Living Authentically

I never really liked my previous blog that I wrote a few years ago. Somehow it just never really connected.

I wanted to share about God’s love which has so impacted my life but was afraid if I was too bold it would be rejected.  So I watered it down skirting the fringes.

Yet, I found though those who had no interest in spirituality were turned off by the little that was there.

And those who really had interest were left dissatisfied because it was too thin.

So I felt frustrated and honestly stressed.  It felt more like a chore than a joy. [Read more…]

Engaging in the Amazing Life

A few days after committing my life to God I felt not only peaceful but angry.  I know pretty strange.

God filled me with his peace but I was also ticked because going to church as a child most of what I heard seemed irrelevant.  Of course maybe I just wasn’t listening.  But I wasted years chasing dead ends trying to find happiness. [Read more…]

Unlocking the Power to Live Your Passion

I’ve wanted to write since my life was changed by God years ago.  I want people to see the positive side of what I consider true spirituality.  I’ve had a few things published in the past which encouraged me.

Yet honestly, writing this blog challenges me every day.  Deciding what to write, developing the focus, editing to make it readable.  Some days I really struggle with the flow.

Then other times I wonder, “Is anyone even reading this?  Am I making any difference?  Should I devote this time to something more productive?”

But every time I think about quitting it feels like something would die inside of me. [Read more…]

Our True Spiritual Guide

My life changed dramatically after my encounter with God.  I was fired up to grow spiritually.

After I graduated from college, a few months later, I thought, “Why not go to seminary?  Where better to learn?”  Big mistake! [Read more…]

How to Unlock Spiritual Mysteries

Most people, I think, wrestle with spiritual mysteries.

“Is there a God?”

“Can I have a relationship with him?”

“Why am I here?”

“What happens after this life?

Yet, on our own we really can’t penetrate those mysteries.  I mean, how could we? [Read more…]

The Key to Unlocking Spiritual Mysteries

Spirituality for me has always been a bit bewildering.

Before I knew God I wanted to know if he existed.  I kind of hoped he did.  There were times I could sure use his help.

But frankly going to church or trying to read the Bible were confusing at best.  Often they seemed irrelevant and impenetrable. [Read more…]