God Rocks #1: Guidance from Unlikely People

Part of the new series “God Rocks:  101 Amazing Everyday Gifts!”  Stories of the awesome blessings and promises God gives us each day.  I hope it encourages you today!


I’ve been writing this blog for a year now. And though it’s had some success it hasn’t set any land speed records for growth.

So I’ve been reevaluating. Trying to discern where to go with it.

Not frustrated really just wanting to be more effective.


Photo by Samantha

Photo by Samantha


I enjoy it but it’s not like a hobby. It’s tough writing everyday.

Over the last year I’ve felt like it continues to improve but right now I’m at another cross roads.

I need a fresh vision. [Read more…]

Growing Together into Greatness

The “Lone Ranger” Christian perspective flat out doesn’t work. The individualist who alone with God conquers life is a myth.

Yet, it seems particularly in the west that’s become our focus.

People enter into a relationship with Jesus and many gravitate to a mega-church. It’s easy, fun and there’s no commitment. Just show up, listen to a good message and great music then go home.  I mean what’s not to like?

For a while it even works. It’s new and exciting.

But then life happens, some issue blindsides them and suddenly it’s not enough.


And being the rugged individualist believer stops working. [Read more…]

How to Help Each Other Grow Successful

I get frustrated sometimes seeing Christians who’ve been believers for years struggle and fail with the most basic spiritual issues.


I’ve said, “They don’t have years of experience. They have one experience repeating itself over years.”

In other words they never grow up. They trip on the same challenges. Make the same mistakes. Keep responding to issues in the same ineffective ways.

Many go to church regularly and are involved. Some are church leaders and teachers.

And what’s really terrifying? Some are pastors and denominational leaders.

What’s happened? Where did they go off the rails? [Read more…]

Living the Adventure

I never cease to be amazed at how many Christians live stale lives. They rarely see God work. When faced with challenges they often cave in. They fight about insignificant issues in church.

Yet, Sunday after Sunday they’re promised an extraordinary life from God. And I think most hope for that. Some have even experienced it at some point.

Yet, they’ve settled into mediocre spirituality. They’ve become complacent just going through the motions. They think more in terms of the required minimum to just keep God happy.


And their lives have become well, dull. [Read more…]

Want to Change Our World?

I’ve heard the church compared to a football game. Thousands of people desperately in need of exercise watching a few people desperately in need of rest perform.

Unfortunately I think that describes way too many churches today. Hundreds flock to services to watch a few exhausted super saints. Yet, never get involved beyond sitting for an hour on a Sunday.

And the exhausted “ministers” finally burn out. I know. I did.

Then the church goers leave wondering what it’s all about. Never growing closer to God or having the joy of making a difference.

I’m not really condemning anyone.


I just think we live in such a consumer culture that it spilled over into the church. [Read more…]

Experiencing Unlimited Power

Every summer I meet with a group of my high school buds that I graduated with at a mini-reunion. What a great time.

I started it a few years ago because a couple of our buds died unexpectedly way too young. I thought there’s no reason to wait.

Every year it causes me to think back on the dreams we each had. And how life has taken unexpected paths. Some good, some difficult.


Health issues, career setbacks, death of loved ones. Things that can derail us.

Challenges each of us face. And as a result we can end up with lives of frustration or fulfillment depending on our response. [Read more…]

Free to Live Your Fullest

So many people live trapped in the past. They live weighed down never able to live at their fullest.

They carry hurts from past relationships.

They live defeated because of past failures.

They carry guilt and sometimes shame.

They live fearful that the past will repeat.

Sometimes they go to church to find answers and way too often are told they’re unworthy and God is angry.

And it leaves them just trying to survive with their dreams crushed. [Read more…]

Living Your Legacy

I was talking with a friend at a wedding who I hadn’t seen in years. I asked about her kids and she said her son was working at their church as the janitor.

Then she said almost defensively, “But he has great benefits.”

I responded, “That’s great.” But thought, “What a shame.”

Not because the job isn’t worthwhile but because from her comment I could tell that her son has potential for other things but settled for the benefits.

How often do we take a job just for the benefits? Then wake up 30 years later and think, “What happened to my dreams?” [Read more…]

How to See the Miraculous

In the previous post we looked at some keys to keep our prayers from being answered. I know pretty inspirational.

The point is Jesus worked miracles and told us we could see the same. Yet, somehow we get disconnected.

Oh, occasionally we might glimpse something that looks suspiciously like a miracle but most of the time we just hope for some answer at all.

And frankly, then telling others about our religion is about as exciting as describing how your baby worked in his first tooth. You probably just had to be there.

So what gives? [Read more…]

How to Make Sure Your Prayers aren’t Answered

I watch Christians head down dead end roads in prayer. I’ve driven there myself.

We’re told early on, “God will answer your prayers.” No disclaimers. So we try it out. Sometimes it works. Sometimes not so much. We think, “Maybe I just need to figure out the right formula.”

So we keep throwing out prayers hoping some stick. And you know some do. Just enough to give us a little encouragement and keep us mostly confused. [Read more…]