Can We Really See Miracles?

Let’s be honest. Whether you believe in God and miracles or not we all have times we could use one don’t we?

We face a crisis when we’d love to believe in and see one. Some divine intervention. A sickness healed, a marriage restored, emotions sorted out.

And how about some insight and clear direction when we’re facing a challenge? Wouldn’t we love to see down the path to know where the next steps are?

A story of Jesus hints at these promises.

No we can’t unleash that power on our own no matter how good we are. But as we expect it from God he rains it down on us.

Jesus has been teaching and working miracles. He’s tired so he heads for his hometown of Nazareth in Galilee.
“Coming to his hometown, he began teaching the people in their synagogue, and they were amazed. ‘Where did this man get this wisdom and these miraculous powers?’ they asked.”*

Even the ones who really didn’t believe in him, because he was the hometown boy, saw his undeniable power. Power to work miracles and give wisdom.

I wonder how much more of these we could see if we really expected them?


*Matthew 13:54 (NIV)

How to Never See a Miracle

A friend told me the story of a bizarre interaction with a colleague.

This colleague, at times, had ridiculed him for his faith. My friend is pretty straight forward about what he believes but not the kind of person to evangelize in a professional setting.

One day this colleague agitatedly pulled my friend aside after a meeting. His son was sick in the hospital. The doctors had run tests and the results weren’t good. They told him there was little they could do and his son would probably die.

With despair in his voice he said to my friend, “You know I don’t believe in God but I’m desperate. Would you pray for my son?”

My friend responded, “Of course. I’ll pray for him to be healed completely.”

His colleague said, “You know if my son recovers I’ll have to rethink my whole perspective about God.”

Over the next couple of weeks my friend prayed diligently.

Amazingly the boy began to recover. The doctors were astonished. The father speechless.

Finally after the boy was released from the hospital his father talked with my friend. He said, “I just can’t explain it. But I still can’t believe in God. I guess we got lucky.”

I wonder if he’ll ever see another miracle?

What a Power Filled Life Looks Like

Do you ever have days you wish this thing called life was a whole lot clearer? I mean it can get pretty confusing at times can’t it?

That’s what I find comforting in a parable Jesus told, “Therefore every teacher of the law who has been instructed about the kingdom of heaven is like the owner of a house who brings out of his storeroom new treasures as well as old.”*

As we looked at in the previous post, Jesus points us towards simply believing he has an amazing life planned for us and searching to discover it.

Then he promises the secrets will be revealed.

In reality, we don’t discover them through our own logic. Instead God, the owner, reveals them. They’re locked up and no amount trying figure it out on our own works.

Yet, he freely brings them out one at a time as we need them.

Slowly we add new insights to the ones we already have as long as we’re open to the new.

Yet, they’re all priceless. Understanding how to live in God’s power is beyond any other treasure we could hope for.

And it opens to us the life he promises to his children.


*Matthew 13:52 (NIV)

How to Discover the Secrets of Living with Amazing Power

So what do we do when everything is sailing along smoothly and we get blindsided by a challenge? Suddenly our orderly world gets turned upside down. What should we do then?

Jesus hints at the answer in a parable, “Therefore every teacher of the law who has been instructed about the kingdom of heaven is like the owner of a house who brings out of his storeroom new treasures as well as old.”*

Literally the word instructed means to search out and find the secrets of living in God’s kingdom.

See, someone can go to church or frankly graduate from seminary yet still miss understanding the mysteries of living in God’s amazing power.

It’s reserved only for those who keep seeking to understand it.

I look back over my own life and see some discoveries as well as wrong turns. Yet, I would say, if I did anything correctly it was simply to keep seeking.

I believe God intended for us to live an amazing power filled life. And because of that I’ve never been content with anything less.

Jesus then promises the secrets locked away will be brought out in the open.

Now, that’s the kind of life I want.


*Matthew 13: 52 (NIV)

Why Is It So Hard to Understand the Secrets of Living Effectively?

Do you ever have those times when you feel like you’re finally getting this thing called life figured out? Then wham you get blindsided and you’re left flailing?

I’ve gone through that I don’t even know how many times. In fact, occasionally I get just a little edgy when I feel like everything is wired up. I start wondering, “Do I really have it figured out or am I in the eye of the hurricane?”

I know I’m not supposed to think that way but just sometimes.

I’ve seen many different reactions when people are hit with challenges that defy understanding. Heck, I’ve had many different reactions.

Sometimes we double down. Head down. Try harder doing the same things. Step up the pace.

The problem is sometimes we’re racing in the wrong direction.

Or we want to give up. Quit. Nada. No more. “I’ve had enough.”

But the problem doesn’t leave does it?

So why are we faced with these seemingly unknowable challenges? Why is life so confusing at times?

Perhaps we weren’t meant to walk all in our own knowledge.

Perhaps when we slow down enough to focus on the one who has all the answers we’ll find them.

What an Amazing Miracle Life Looks Like

So what difference does going to church make anyway? Frankly, the statistics aren’t encouraging for differentiating from those who don’t.

I’ve had people say to me, “Well, a little religion is a good thing. Just don’t overdo it.”

And I’ve responded, “I agree.” That usually causes a confused look.

But when you grasp the promises of the amazing life that God offers, in a relationship with him apart from religion, you can’t overdo it.

Proverbs gives a picture of gaining God’s wisdom.

“For she is more profitable than silver and yields better returns than gold. She is more precious than rubies; nothing you desire can compare with her.”*

Think about why we desire riches.

We use it to buy things to bring happiness.

We use it to encourage others to like us and honor us.

We use it to keep score of success.

We hoard it for security.

Yet, God promises all of that and more in a relationship with him. He promises his wisdom will be worth far more in bringing us an unimaginable life.

And I’ve found that wisdom comes as I continually seek God’s answers on how to live in that relationship with him most effectively.


*Proverbs 3:14-15 (NIV)

How to Discover the Incredible Life God Offers

So why is there such a wide divergence between the incredible power-filled life God promises and the struggling lives we see in so many regular church-goers?

Frankly, I don’t have a clear answer and I’m not judging. Truthfully, I’ve had more than my share of personal struggles.

But I also look back at my life journey and see over time growing closer to God and more into understanding how to live in his power.

For me it began from non-belief to believing God existed to anticipating the remarkable power-filled life he offers. And I’ve continued to seek out the answers for how to live it in that power.

Yes, I’ve chased down my share of blind alleys but never given up the dream.

From this vantage point though, I look back and see God with me through it all, the victories and the struggles.

If I could summarize it, for me it comes down to desire. Believing God’s promise is real and desiring it more than anything else.

It’s a clue I see in a parable Jesus told, “God’s kingdom is like a jewel merchant on the hunt for excellent pearls. Finding one that is flawless, he immediately sells everything and buys it.”*


*Matthew 13:45-46 (MSG)

What Difference Does Going to Church Really Make?

Study after study from Christian research organizations show an alarming trend.

Those who attend church regularly have nearly the same divorce rate as those who don’t. The percentage of people struggling with devastating emotional issues is identical. The level of addiction to prescription pain medication is about the same in the church as outside.

Something’s gone off the rails. It feels somehow like God’s power has left the building.

So what’s the response?

More sermons on, “Six steps to live effectively.” Or, “How to have the right kind of faith.” Or some deep theological thesis.

The ones struggling go to church hoping for answers. Yet, they look around and everyone else seems so happy. They think, “They’ve all got it together. What’s wrong with me?”

And the others are looking back at them thinking the same thing.

They leave feeling like a failure. Ignored by a church that has no idea what they’re going through. And perhaps feeling rejected by God because they just can’t measure up.

I know. I’ve been there at times.

But life wasn’t intended this way. We were meant to live victoriously and filled with power.

What would happen if we heard that and truly expected it?

You Truly Can Live a Miracle Filled Life

I’m not sure sometimes when I look back, why this amazing life God offers actually took in me. I mean, I was a most unlikely candidate.

Heading in wrong directions with full after-burners blazing. No interest at all in going to church unless to meet cute girls.

Yet, somehow when I committed my life to God I really meant it. I had enough of a glimpse of the amazing life he promised and somehow a flicker of anticipation that I jumped full in.

I look back now, several decades later, and think, “Wow, what a ride.”

I was literally changed from the inside. The old issues slowly subsided. No not all at once. Heck, there are days it’s still a work in progress.

I found new and healthy relationships, one of which led to my marriage and family.

I headed in new directions and discovered a challenging yet so rewarding life.

And I’ve been a bystander watching God work occasionally some full up unexplainable miracles.

It’s what the apostle Paul wrote, “What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord.”*

Frankly, I feel the same way.


*Philippians 3:8 (NIV)

How to Connect with the Amazing Miracle Life

Do you ever wonder why so many people who attend church regularly really don’t live lives all that different from those who don’t?

I mean, I read the promises God offers. How he’ll supernaturally lead us, unleash his power in us, work miracles for us. Yet, I see such a disconnect with so many churchgoers.

Heck, I way too often see a disconnect in my own life.

Jesus, I think, gives a clue when he told a parable. “The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field.”*

See when he found the treasure he immediately knew what it was. No fooling around. No “I’ll come back tomorrow.”
So he takes action. He slyly hides it again so he can claim it.

I love the next part. He was filled with joy just thinking about the treasure. He was giddy with anticipation.

Finally, he went all in. The treasure was so much more valuable than anything he already owned.

I wonder what would happen if we approached the treasure of God’s miracle life the same way?


*Matthew 13:44 (NIV)