Purity and Love

“Lord, with the pure you are pure, but with the crooked you are shrewd.”  (Psalm 18: 26)



   Thank you that by faith you wash my stains and make me pure in your sight,

      And in that purity you bless me with your purity.

   Wash me and fill me with your purity from the inside out,

      Give me your purifying grace and the pure blessings that flow from it.


Perfect and Faithful

“Lord, with the faithful you are faithful, with the perfect you are perfect.”  (Psalm 18: 25)



   Thank you that by faith you have forgiven me and view me as perfect,

      And through my faith you are always faithful and perfect to me.

   Forgive me for my failures, perfect me through your grace,

      Faithfully give me your blessings and perfectly your promises.


Rescued from My Enemies

“The Lord rescued me from my powerful enemies, those who hated me and were too strong for me.”  (Psalm 18: 17)



   I praise you for all the times you have rescued me from those who would hurt me,

      They may be too strong for me, but they are never more powerful than you.

   Protect me now from those enemies I see and those I don’t.

      Let me rest assured in your power and love knowing there are none stronger than you.


Protected and Secure

“The Lord is my high place, my fortress and my protector.”  (Psalm 18: 2)



   Thank you that you are my fortress, always protecting me.

      And that you will continue to every moment of every day.

   Keep me safe inside your fortress, walk with me as my protector.

      Give me confidence in your strength and boldness in your power.


See God Clearly Everyday

“When I awake, I will see you face to face and be filled with joy.”  (Psalm 17: 15)



   I praise you that when I’m fully awake you show me your presence,

      And I will see you face to face when I expectantly look for you.

   Let me feel your presence clearly, show me see your face purely,

      Help me look with expectant eyes so I see you face to face perfectly.


Protected by God’s Power

“Like a baby bird, hide me in the shadow of your protecting wings.”  (Psalm 17: 8)



   Thank you for protecting me, shadowed from all that would hurt me.

      And I know you will never let me wander from your protecting wings.

   Hide me from the evil around me, protect me from those who might hurt me,

      Let me rest confident in your protection, so I may live confidently in your life.


Adored by Your Father

“Father, watch over me as the apple of your eye, the one you adore.”  (Psalm 17: 8)



   I praise you for always loving and watching over me as one you adore,

      And I know you continue to every moment of every day of my life.

   Watch over me second by second, in every circumstance, in every day,

      Help me trust you fully knowing you adoringly love me today and forever.


Safety and Peace

“Lord, you keep safe by your mighty power those who take refuge in you.”  (Psalm 17: 7)



   Thank you for your power which has kept me safe, even from those threats I didn’t see,

      And I rest in peace knowing you continually watch over me as I take refuge in you.

   Keep me safe by your unconquerable power, give me peace in knowing you’re my refuge.

      Help me to rest in the confidence of knowing I’m safe as I take refuge in you.


Amazing Wonders, Unfailing Love

“Show me your amazing wonders that come out of your unfailing love.”  (Psalm 17: 7)



   I praise you for the wonderful blessings you have given me,

      And look forward to more amazing wonders that flow from your never ending love.

   Show me your amazing wonders, let me feel your unfailing love,

      Help me to look with eyes of expectation so I may see and feel both.


Every Good and Perfect Gift

“You are my God and from you comes all the good things I have.” (Psalm 16: 2)



   You have given me every perfect gift, everything good I have is from you.

      And you will continue to bless me with all of your good gifts every day.

   Give me your gifts, fill up my needs, shower me with your abundance.

      Help me rest in your confidence and see your gifts through eyes of expectation.
