Grace and Love for our Failures

“God is filled with mercy and grace.  Not easily angered, rich in love.” (Psalm 103:8)


We may fall short.  God’s love and grace makes up the distance.



Thank you for your love and grace.  That when I fail you love me anyway.

Help me to rest in your grace.  And fill me with your love.


Rest When You Are Weary

“Walk with me and learn from me, for I am gentle, and you will find rest deep inside.” (Matthew 11:29)

Father and friend.

The one who is with me always.

When I’m weary you give me rest,

Deep inside beyond my understanding.

Fill me with your peace,

Give me grace for my worry,

Help me rest in your power.



You Are Never Alone

“Don’t be afraid or discouraged.  For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9)


You are with me wherever I travel.

Whatever my journey, wherever my road.

Walk with me so I’m never alone.

Forgive me for my fear and discouragement.

Fill me with your confidence and presence.

I will walk boldly with you where you lead,

Knowing we walk together.


You Are Loved and Never Alone

“God’s plan has always been to adopt us into his family through Jesus Christ.  And this brings him great joy.” (Ephesians 1:5)

Father, thank you for adopting me into your family,

Even, perhaps, when I feel estranged from my own.

Make me your child,

Let me feel your love,

And the love of my new family.

Help me live never doubting your love,

Even in moments I don’t feel it.

And I’ll walk with you in confidence,

Knowing I’m loved,

And never alone.


Live Forever with Those You Love

“If this earthly tent we live in is destroyed, we have a better one from God, our eternal home.”  (2 Corinthians 5: 1)

Father, thank you for the assurance that this life is not all,

That I will live beyond it with you,

And with those I love and miss.

Prepare that home for me,

That I may live with you and them forever.

Fill me with your assurance,

Especially when I feel the pain of a loved one passing,

Or fear my own.

I praise you for your promised home,

Where I will spend eternity with you,

And those I love.



Healing for the Brokenhearted

“He heals the brokenhearted and soothes their wounds.” (Psalm 147: 3)

Father,  at times, my heart feels broken,

Crushed beyond repair.

Thank you that in those moments you bring healing,

Your presence fills my emptiness,

Your love soothes my wounds.

Heal my hurts today,

Fill up the empty places with your love.

Help me to walk in your love,

Turn first to you in my hurts,

Linger in the warmth of your presence.

For in you I know life will move forward,

The hurts, though not forgotten, will be soothed,

And the love you give will heal.



How to Feel God’s Presence

“You will search for me and find me when you seek me with your whole heart.”  (Jeremiah 29: 13)

Lord, how amazing that I can know you,

And feel you,

And live with you everyday.

Fill me with your Spirit and presence,

Let me know you are there.

So often I get too busy,

So often I forget,

Too often I feel alone.

Help me to seek you every day,

To seek your presence every moment.

For when I feel it,

When I sense it,

I know I’m not alone.


Seeing the Unimaginable

“Eyes have not seen, nor ears heard, nor has entered into imagination all the things God has prepared for those who love him.”  (1 Corinthians 2:9)

God, I praise you for your unlimited power.

Give me what I can’t even imagine.

Forgive me for being limited by my expectation.

Help me only to be limited by your unlimited power.

Then I will see beyond my imagination.


God’s Power and Love Surrounds You

“If God is for us, who or what can possibly prevail against us?” (Romans 8:31)

God, sometimes I feel overwhelmed.  Thank you that in those times you still hold all power.  No one and nothing can overcome your love.  Surround and fill me with your power and love.  And help me to focus only on that especially when feeling overwhelmed.  I praise you, even in the midst of my challenges, as I wait confidently for you to prevail.  Amen

A Life of Love that Never Ends

“Goodness and love will follow me every day of my life, and I will live in the house of the Lord forever.” (Psalm 23: 6)

Lord thank you for your love and goodness.  And that it follows me every day and forever.  Help me rest in that confidence when facing challenges.  And to experience all of the life you have promised.  I focus on your promised blessings, even when they seem dim, so that I will see them clearly.  Amen