Delivered from What You Fear

“I prayed to the Lord and he answered me; he delivered me from all of my fears.” (Psalm 34: 4)


Challenges may cause you to be afraid.

Yet, when you pray and ask God to intervene he does.

And he frees you from your worries and overcomes what you fear.

The Cure for Worry

“Don’t worry about anything.  Instead, in every situation pray and ask God for what you need.  And give thanks for what you have and for his promises.  Then the supernatural peace of God, which goes beyond our understanding, will fill your heart and mind as you walk with Jesus.” (Philippians 4: 6-7)


We all face challenges that can cause us to worry and be afraid.  Yet, we have an answer to that worry.

Simply pray for what you need and fill your prayers with thanksgiving for all you have and by faith believe you will receive.

Then God’s supernatural peace, that’s beyond understanding, will fill your heart and mind as you walk every day with Jesus.

The Gift of Supernatural Peace

“My peace I give to you as a gift.  I don’t give you the kind of peace the world knows but rather supernatural peace.  So don’t be worried or afraid.” (John 14: 27)



Thank you for the gift of your supernatural peace.

That whatever I face you give me hope,

And in place of worry you give me confidence.


Strength, Courage and Peace

“Be strong and courageous.  Don’t be afraid or discouraged.  For the Lord, your God, is with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1: 9)



Thank you that wherever I go you are with me,

Whatever I face we face together.

And you give me strength, courage and peace in it all.




Peace in the Midst of Challenges

“Don’t be anxious about anything, instead in every situation, through prayer and thanksgiving, request what you need from God.  And God’s supernatural peace, which goes beyond our understanding, will guard your heart and mind through the power of Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4: 6-7) 



Thank you that instead of worry you offer me peace,

Instead of helplessness you offer me power.

And no request I make is beyond your power to answer.




A Place of Safety

“The Lord’s power is like a fortress.  Those who take refuge in him are kept safe.” (Proverbs 18:10)



Thank you that when evil surrounds me I have a fortress of safety in you.

I take refuge in you and rest in peace knowing that I’m safe.


Courage Instead of Worry

“Don’t be afraid, for I am with you.  Don’t worry for I am your God.  I will give you strength and help you.  And I will lift you up in my powerful hand.” (Isaiah 41: 10)



Thank you that I never need to worry or be afraid.

You are giving me strength and help in all that I face.

And you are working on my behalf with all of your power.


The Gift of Peaceful Sleep

“I will lie down and sleep in peace because I know that you Lord will keep me perfectly safe.” (Psalm 4: 8)



Thank you for the gift of peaceful sleep,

When I lie down I sleep peacefully knowing you are watching over me,

And keeping me safe from all harm.


The Way to Continual Peace

“Fill your mind with those things which are true, noble, right, pure, lovely, positive and for which you’re thankful.  Continually, practice this and the God of peace who gives the gift of peace will be with you.” (Philippians 4: 8-9)



Thank you for your gift of peace,

I fill my mind with that which brings peace,

And I choose to walk in your peace today.


How to Find Peace

“Don’t worry about anything.  Instead, no matter what you face, pray and ask God for what you need.  And fill your prayers with thanksgiving for what you already have.  And the peace of God, which goes beyond anything you can understand, will fill your heart and mind through the power of Jesus.” (Philippians 4: 6-7)



Thank you that you are giving me peace right now.

There may be things beyond my control but they aren’t beyond yours,

So I rest in your peace.
