“This is my own dearly loved son, who I am delighted with. Listen to him!” (Matthew 17:5)
Others may be prophets but there is only one true son. So listen to him and learn the secrets of the kingdom.
spiritual hacks for a miraculous life
“This is my own dearly loved son, who I am delighted with. Listen to him!” (Matthew 17:5)
Others may be prophets but there is only one true son. So listen to him and learn the secrets of the kingdom.
“I assure you, some here will not die before they see the Son of Man coming in the glory of his kingdom.” (Matthew 16:28)
Jesus is lord of lords and king of kings. And we live in his kingdom by faith alone.
“What benefit is it if someone gains everything this life has to offer yet gives up eternal life?” (Matthew 16: 26)
Working to get everything may seem important. Yet, gaining eternal life, through faith, is supreme.
“The kingdom of heaven is like a priceless treasure hidden in a field. A man finds it, hides it again, then in joy sells all he owns to buy that field.” (Matthew 13: 44)
God’s kingdom is a priceless treasure that can only be bought by committing your whole life to him.
“You have been given knowledge about the secrets of the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 13: 11)
The kingdom of heaven is a mystery, yet, by faith you’ll understand its secrets.
“Whoever does what my Father in heaven desires and accepts me as Lord is my brother and my sister.” (Matthew 12: 50)
You are adopted into God’s family not by perfection but by acceptance.
“I desire compassion not rituals, grace not condemning the innocent. For the Son of Man is Lord even over the Sabbath.” (Matthew 12: 7-8)
Jesus offers grace instead of rituals and forgiveness instead of condemnation.
“Jesus said, ‘All things have been entrusted to me by my Father. No one truly knows the Son except the Father. And no one truly knows the Father except the Son and those who by faith receive me.'” (Matthew 11: 27)
The mysteries of God aren’t revealed by education but by revelation to those wanting to receive them.
“Jesus said, ‘If you strive to give yourself life you will lose it, but if you give your life to me you will gain it.'” (Matthew 10: 39)
When you stop struggling and instead start trusting you will find the life you are searching for.
“Jesus said, ‘The one who acknowledges me before people, I will acknowledge before my Father in heaven.'” (Matthew 10: 32)
When we are an advocate for Jesus in this life he promises to be our advocate for eternal life.
I write about how to discover the miraculous life God offers each of us, from a non-religious perspective.
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