“The law was given through Moses, but God’s grace and truth was given through Jesus Christ.” (John 1: 17)
The law condemns but in Jesus Christ you have forgiveness and wisdom.
spiritual hacks for a miraculous life
“The law was given through Moses, but God’s grace and truth was given through Jesus Christ.” (John 1: 17)
The law condemns but in Jesus Christ you have forgiveness and wisdom.
“The Son of God came from the Father and is full of grace and truth.” (John 1: 14)
In Jesus we receive indescribable grace and are led by unfaltering truth.
“We have seen the glory of the one and only Son of God, the one filled with all the glory of God.” (John 1: 14)
Jesus is not a god among gods. He is the one and only all powerful God.
“The Word, the Christ God’s son, became a man and lived on earth among us.” (John 1: 14)
We don’t worship a god who lives remotely but rather the true God who came to live with us.
“The children of God are not born from natural means or family descent but by the renewing power of God.” (John 1: 13)
We are born to our earthly family by man’s intent but born into God’s family only by his power.
“The Word, the creator of the world, came into the world, yet the world didn’t recognize him.” (John 1: 10)
The creator of world loved the world enough to enter his creation though many failed to recognize him.
“In the beginning, before time, the Word already existed, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” (John 1: 1)
We don’t follow a dead prophet we live in fellowship with the eternal God.
“The master replied, ‘Well done my good and faithful servant. You have been faithful with a few things now I will put you in charge of many things. Come in a share in my celebration.'” (Matthew 25: 21)
When you are faithful in the small things of God he will reward you with the great things he’s promised.
“He will reign over the spiritual descendants of Jacob forever, and his kingdom will never end.” (Luke 1: 33)
We are invited to live in the kingdom of our Heavenly Father and live with him forever.
“The Lord God will make him king of all kings on this earth.” (Luke 1: 32)
Others may be powerful on this earth but Jesus is king of all.
I write about how to discover the miraculous life God offers each of us, from a non-religious perspective.
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