New Life Now and Forever

“The one who accepts and trusts in God’s Son already has new life now and for all eternity.” (John 3: 36)



Thank you for taking me from darkness to light,

And giving me abundant life now and for all eternity.

When I question it give me confidence,

And when I worry give me peace.


The Greatest

“The one who comes from heaven to earth is greater than anyone else, the one born on earth is of the earth, the one who comes from heaven is above all.” (John 3: 31)



You are the greatest of the great,

Thank you that I am your child,

Help me never to doubt you,

Help me to live always trusting you.



“Whoever trusts in God’s Son is set free.  And whoever doesn’t trust has condemned himself.” (John 3: 18)



Thank you that in your grace I am set free,

And that your grace will never let me go.

When I forget help me to remember,

When I doubt help me to believe.


Eternal Confidence

“God did not send his Son into the world to condemn it but rather to save it.” (John 3: 17)



Thank you for sending your son to bring light into our world,

And for the salvation you have given me through him.

Help me to rest in confidence in your promise,

And to rest in peace in your love.


Love that Conquers our Greatest Fears

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who trusts in him will never die but have eternal life.” (John 3: 16)


Thank you for your love,

Power greater than anything I might fear,

Thank you that your love conquers all when I trust,

So help me to stand firm in that faith,

When I doubt help me to believe,

When I fear remind me of your love,

And I will praise you forever.


Loved Beyond Imagination

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who trusts in him will never die but have eternal life.” (John 3: 16)


Thank you for giving me your greatest gift,

And proving your love for me in that gift.

When I feel alone help me to feel your love,

And let me see evidence of your love everyday,

As I look with eyes of faith.




Abundant Life Forever

“The Son of Man will be lifted up to glory so that everyone who trusts in him for eternal life will receive it.” (John 3: 14-15)



You are the only one who can give real life for eternity,

And I praise you for the abundant life you have given to me.


Spiritual New Life

“Those born of the Holy Spirit are spiritually born again.” (John 3: 6)



You give new life and a fresh start,

Thank you for the abundant life you give me.



“The next day John saw Jesus walking towards him and said, ‘Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!'” (John 1: 29)

You may have sinned much but Jesus loves much and washes all of it away.

Seeing God

“No one has ever seen God.  Yet, the one true Son, who himself is God and is in the closest relationship with the Father, has shown us God.” (John 1: 18)

In a relationship with Jesus you will see God.