Real Life

“Jesus said, ‘The bread God is giving you, is the one who comes from heaven and gives life to the whole world.”‘ (John 6: 32-33)



Thank you for the true life you give me,

The life you offer to everyone.

For your life gives real life now,

And it’s a life which never ends.


Free At Last

“Jesus answered, ‘The only works God requires is simply to trust in the one he sent.'” (John 6: 29)



Thank you for your grace that forgives me,

And your love which accepts me.

I trust in the one you sent to save me,

And accept the grace you offer me.


The Witness of Miracles

“The miracles I am doing prove that the Father sent me.” (John 5: 36)


You are the Son who has all the power of the Father,

The one who gives me life now and forever.

Thank you for giving me that life now in all it’s abundance,

And the assurance that it will go on forever.


The Dead Will Live

“There is a time coming when all who have died will hear the Son’s call and those who have believed in him will rise to live with him forever.” (John 5: 28-29)


Thank you that there is a time coming when the dead will rise,

And those who trust in you will live with you forever.

Thank you for the assurance I will be with you forever,

And the peace it brings me today.


Abundant Life That Never Ends

“The Father is the source of all life and he has given his Son that same life-giving power.” (John 5: 26)


You are the source of abundant life now,

And life that goes on for all eternity.

Thank you for giving me your life in abundance,

And the confidence that it will never end.


Life Out of Death

“I assure you, the time has now come when those who are living as though they were dead will hear my message and those who believe it will live.” (John 5: 25)



You are the only source of new life,

And you give it now and for all eternity.

Thank you for rescuing me from death,

And giving me your new life now and forever.


A Child of God Forever

“The one who trusts in me will never be condemned because they have already passed from death into life.” (John 5: 24)



Thank you for the new life you have given me,

And that I will never be separated from you or your love.

For you have accepted me as your child,

And I will be your child for all eternity.



No More Judgement

The Father doesn’t judge anyone.  Instead he has given all authority to the Son. (John 5: 22)



You have given all authority to your Son,

Who has accepted me to be in his family.

Thank you for that acceptance,

And the assurance it will never be lost.


New Life Forever

As the Father gives life to those he raises from the dead, so the Son gives life to whom he’s pleased to give it. (John 5: 21)



You have given me life in abundance,

And I know that life goes forever with you.

Thank you for your life which changed my life,

And your peace that it will never end.


Never Thirsty Again

“Everyone who drinks this water will grow thirsty again.  But whoever drinks the water I give will never thirst again.” (John 4: 13-14)



Thank you for giving me the water that fills up my thirst,

And for the life which goes on forever.

Give me your living water day by day,

Fill up my deepest thirst with your living presence.
