When Friends Turn Against You Because of Your Faith

Number 50 in the series “God Rocks: 101 Amazing Everyday Gifts!” The miracles and promises of Jesus that show us the awesome blessings we can experience each day. I hope it encourages you!


When I entered into my relationship with Jesus it was an incredible experience. I found a happiness and love I simply had never known.

So naturally I wanted to share my great news. Particularly with those closest to me.

Didn’t exactly turn out the way I expected.


Photo Credit: Lyylyn Ylyal

Photo Credit: Lyylyn Ylyal


My dad first responded, though later recanted , “Well a little religion is a good thing but don’t overdo it.”

My closest friend said later that his mom, who was like my second mom, told him to be careful. From that day on there was a distance in my relationship with both of them.

A former girl friend, who remarkably I’d stayed friends, said, “Yeah, I heard you’d become a Jesus freak. I couldn’t believe it.” Actually her remark was well earned. But she had no interest in continuing our friendship.


I’ve got to be honest. The splintering of those relationships and some others really hurt.


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Seizing the Moment

Number 47 in the series “God Rocks: 101 Amazing Everyday Gifts!” The miracles and promises of Jesus that show us the awesome blessings we can experience each day. I hope it encourages you!


When I first committed my life to God and entered into that incredible relationship it radically transformed my life. So much that I wanted to share my joy with those I cared about.

I had literally gone from darkness to light. From anxiety to peace, emptiness to fullness, loneliness to love. I thought everyone would rejoice in my new discovery.

Yet, I found resistance and excuses often.  Annoyingly, the same exact excuses I’d once used.


Photo Credit: Sandeepachetan

Photo Credit: Sandeepachetan


One friend said, “Well it sounds nice for you but it’s just not for me.”

Another said, “You know, maybe later. I’m just not done really living quite yet.”

Another asked, “Well, what about those people in Africa who haven’t heard of Jesus? I don’t think I could believe in a God who’d condemn them.”

I felt frustrated because what was so life changing to me was met by some with indifference or even criticism.

And I felt somehow responsible for the eternity of those who’d rejected what I said. That was a heavy load.


Frankly, I don’t want to be in charge of the universe, thank you very much.


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Come to the Party!

Number 35 in the series “God Rocks: 101 Amazing Everyday Gifts!” Stories and promises of Jesus that show us the awesome blessings we can experience each day. I hope it encourages you!


I’m giving up okra for Lent.  I’m all in.

Of course I don’t like okra anyway. That’s why I’m giving it up for Lent. And after Lent also.


Photo Credit: Antonio Delgado

Photo Credit: Antonio Delgado


Frankly, I don’t get the whole Lent thing. I mean does God really care that I like chocolate? Really? So the vitality of my relationship with him is dependent on giving up say chocolate for a few weeks?

See, I think we all have enough real issues. I find the world downright scary, frustrating and depressing all on its own at times. I don’t feel a need to add a layer of irritation to it.

Yet, isn’t that what we do often with religion? We make up rules to impress God that don’t impress him and only make us miserable.

And the folks outside of the church? They look on and think, “Yeah, no thanks.”


And the saddest part? That wasn’t what Jesus showed us.


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Discovering God Apart from Religion

Number 34 in the series “God Rocks: 101 Amazing Everyday Gifts!” Stories and promises of Jesus that show us the awesome blessings we can experience each day. I hope it encourages you!


I talk often with people turned off by religion. They view it as trying to following a bunch of oppressive rules to impress a God they’re not sure exists. So they really have little interest in it.

Frankly though I see an opposite and more insidious perspective. Religious people who attend services regularly and follow the rules “at least better than most others.” They’d never admit it but they really don’t see a need for God’s grace.


Photo Credit: Mani Babbar

Photo Credit: Mani Babbar


Yet, both miss the relationship with God. No, I’m not making judgment calls about who’s saved and who isn’t. I’m just saying they miss out on the intimate relationship they could have with God and the soul peace that comes out of it.


And frankly, I don’t speak from a distance. I’ve lived both extremes and experienced the emptiness they bring.


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Discovering True Healing

Number 33 in the series “God Rocks: 101 Amazing Everyday Gifts!” Stories and promises of the awesome blessings God gives us each day. I hope it encourages you today!


When I pastored I can’t tell you how many times I talked with people struggling with unresolved guilt.


Photo Credit: Hartwig HKD

Photo Credit: Hartwig HKD


Regret over actions which broke up their marriage. Words they spoke which estranged their children. Destructive behaviors which ruined their health. Poor choices which led to financial collapse.

Frankly, I look back occasionally with regret at things I’ve done, in some cases decades ago. I’m still haunted at times and wish I could undo a word or action but I can’t.

Then compound that with so often the religious response to someone struggling. “I wonder what they did. Boy they must have done something really bad. Wow, God must be punishing them for something big.”


No wonder we’re left feeling helpless and hopeless at times.


And the real tragedy? It so often keeps us from finding the real healing that releases us to move forward into the amazing life God offers.

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Freed from Religion to Really Live

Number 31 in the series “God Rocks: 101 Amazing Everyday Gifts!” Stories and promises of the awesome blessings God gives us each day. I hope it encourages you today!


I enjoyed the church I grew up in as a kid. I hung out with my buddies, talked with cute girls in our youth group. I mean what’s not to like?

When I was really young I didn’t have to go to worship services which I thought was pretty cool.

But then as I grew older I had to attend the services. Singing hymns I didn’t understand. Not a catchy tune in the bunch. Rituals that seemed mysterious. And sermons delivered with fervor yet somehow detached from my life.


Photo Credit: Eric Magnuson

Photo Credit: Eric Magnuson


So after high school I left. I set out to find my life apart from religion and I did.


Yet, eventually it became a bit messy.


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Looking Forward to the Best That’s Yet to Come

Number 29 in the series “God Rocks: 101 Amazing Everyday Gifts!” Stories and promises of the awesome blessings God gives us each day. I hope it encourages you today!


Recently a long time friend sent out a group email with a poem about how fast life goes by. Not sure I’m really thankful for  that reminder.


Photo Credit: Peter Kurdulija

Photo Credit: Peter Kurdulija


When we were in high school life stretched out forever. Yet, now in the blink of an eye many of our friends are retired.

The endless days of raising kids somehow turned into having grand kids for many.

Most of us have lost parents and some siblings and friends.

And I stop and wonder sometimes, “Where did the time go? How did it go by so quickly?”

I find we all deal with it in a variety of ways.

Some speed up activities. If they just stay busy enough they avoid thinking about it.

Others seem to deny it hoping it’ll all go away, I guess.


Yet, for all of us when we lose another loved one we stand face to face with our own mortality and how brief this life really is.


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Finding Peace When Faced with Death

Number 26 in the series “God Rocks: 101 Amazing Everyday Gifts!” Stories and promises of the awesome blessings God gives us each day. I hope it encourages you today!


My father-in-law passed away a few days ago.

No matter how many times I’ve faced the death of a loved one I’m still always blindsided. Partly by grief and partly by the doubts that assail me. Doubts I thought I’d already dealt with.


Photo Credit:  Beverly

Photo Credit: Beverly


“Will I see him again? How can I know for sure? Is Heaven real? Who’s there? Will I be there?”

I know, coming from a spiritually focused writer and ex-pastor, you’re shocked perhaps. I mean I’m supposed to have it all together, right? Well, not always.

I find the love expressed by friends and family tremendously supporting. But I also often find the platitudes given do little to calm the storm.


So I wrestle again and try to find that peace.


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A Tribute to a Good Father I Hardly Knew

My father-in-law Jack passed away a few days ago at 95. Though we had many conversations we really hardly knew each other.



Photo Credit: Doug Armey

Photo Credit: Doug Armey



He was born into a poor family in Oklahoma. As an infant they moved to Missouri where his father spent time in jail for running moonshine. A few years later they moved to California.

After graduating from high school he enlisted in the army and spent four years landing on beaches in the Pacific in World War II. Through it all he earned two Bronze Stars and one Silver Star for valor.

When the war ended he returned home and never spoke about it. He said he couldn’t remember what he won the Bronze Stars for and would only in briefest terms tell the circumstances of the Silver Star.


I think there were just too many harsh memories he wanted to forget.


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Sensing God’s Presence in the Midst of Struggles

Number 23 in the series “God Rocks: 101 Amazing Everyday Gifts!” Stories and promises of the awesome blessings God gives us each day. I hope it encourages you today!


We all go through struggles when frankly we feel all alone.

I’ve talked with people who knew they were dying. And no matter how much support they had they walked it alone.

I’ve felt that aloneness too as I’ve gone through struggles. The support of loved ones was tremendous. But in the end I had to walk the path by myself.


Photo Credit: Blake Danger Bentley

Photo Credit: Blake Danger Bentley


We can surround ourselves with others. Stay busy in our jobs. Work diligently on the problems. All of those things are helpful and good.

Yet, when the busyness stops and we pause we feel the weight of facing the challenge alone. And it can feel overwhelming.


We enter into what’s been called “the dark night of the soul.” [Read more…]