Is It Time to Stop Making Excuses and Live the Amazing Life?

Years ago, when I pastored a church, I had a conversation with a friend that rattled me.

We grew up together in a church and both drifted away after high school.

Then I experienced a spiritual transformation in college and he raced full out the other direction.


Photo Credit: Jofre Ferrer

Photo Credit: Jofre Ferrer


He’d visited our church, which was now booming, a couple of times with his mom on Mother’s Day.

One evening as I was leaving the office he came by the church to deliver something for his mom. Afterward I stood at his driver’s window talking with him while he sat in his car with the engine running. That was my first clue he preparing for a quick getaway.

Easter was coming and we had a special service planned so I asked, “Why don’t you join us?”

He responded, “No, I’m really not interested. And I need to be going.” With that he rolled up his window and left me standing on the sidewalk in the dark.


I remember feeling rejected and wondering, “Was there something else I could have said?”


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How to Discover a Real Relationship with the Real God

I think a lot of organized religion is really a mess. Now in case you’re wanting to shoot think about it.

Surveys show most people in the U.S. believe in God and a majority attend services at least occasionally.

Yet, our society is pretty screwy.


Photo Credit: Neil Moralle

Photo Credit: Neil Moralle


Facebook, I’ve heard, now has over 50 gender selections to choose from for your profile. Yikes, and I always thought there were only two. Talk about being behind the times.

Then look at the divorce rate, crime rate, number of children raised by single parents and it’s not a stretch to say something’s seriously whacked out.


Yet, I look at so much organized religion and in my most theological words say, “What are they thinking?”


I mean we have what we could label “Mr. Potato Head” theology.

Do you remember the children’s game?  The one you play with a raw potato.  Yes, I know I am seriously dating myself here.  Anyway, as you play the game you pick out the parts you want your potato head to look like.  A nose here, ears there, eyes over here.  You create him into your masterpiece.

Well too many people apply that same process to their view of God.  Add on the parts you like.  Forget the parts you don’t.  Only problem is it doesn’t do much for your confidence when you need it most because you created God to look like you want not like he truly is.

Or we have “Super-Size Me” theology.

Americans love super-size anything.  Triple burgers, jumbo fries, 64 oz. Mega Gulp soft drinks, mammoth SUV’s.  You know the bigger the better.

So we drag that over into church.  Concert perfect productions. Jumbo screens. Slick videos. Model pastor couple. Short entertaining messages.  Move the crowd in.  Move the crowd out.

Yet when we leave often we feel somehow empty don’t we?

Now I’m not saying you can’t find a relationship with God or some elements of truth through those churches. Frankly though, I’m surprised often by the places God pops up.


But I also see way too often people enter into that relationship with God but grow stale quickly.


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How to Know for Sure You’ll Live in Heaven

I’ve been going to way too many funerals lately. And terrifyingly the friends who’ve passed away are getting closer and closer to my age. I know, strange.

So I think about that subject more now than when I was say 20. Maybe has something to do with feeling like I’m on runaway skis heading for the trees and I can’t slow down.  And yes there is a story there but not today.


Photo Credit: Tony Fischer

Photo Credit: Tony Fischer


Anyway, I think most of us, when we’re quiet enough, think sometimes about what happens beyond this life. I mean I think you’d be crazy if you didn’t.

And I think we’d all like some sense of assurance about Heaven and if we’re going to live there.

Yet, we all deal with that issue in different ways don’t we?

Sometimes it’s easier to just fill life up so we never stop long enough to think about it. First thing in the morning check emails. Listen to the radio or podcasts while commuting. Busy at work all day. Immerse in TV at home. Non-stop weekends.

Yikes, no wonder we have more time saving devices today yet feel more stressed than any previous generation.
But I don’t think the gnawing ever completely goes away.


So what if we really could feel assured of Heaven? What difference would it make?


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How to See Spiritual Super Power in Your Life

Do you ever listen to a preacher or read a spiritual blog and think, “Wow, I wish I had that kind of faith. I’d love to see that kind of power.”

Yeah, I do too. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve thought, “Man, if I just had more faith. I could use a miracle right about now. What’s wrong with me?”

But the problem is at that point we can kind of give up. I mean I feel sometimes like the bar is set way too high and I can never clear it so why try.


Photo Credit:  Library & Archives Canada

Photo Credit: Library & Archives Canada


Kind of like elementary school when we did the high jump. It was not my strong suit. My legs just don’t spring. So when I lined up they’d say, “Lower the bar. Here he comes.” And they’d put it down so I could almost hop over it.


Yet, when we stop expecting God to act in our lives we stop seeing him act.


Oh, he’s still blessing us but we aren’t looking for miracles so we don’t see them.

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Discovering Intimacy with God Apart from Religion

Religion can’t give us an intimate relationship with God. It just isn’t wired that way.

I know you’re probably wondering, “But I thought that’s what religion is for?”

Or you may be thinking, “I think this guy’s lost it.” Which would not be the first time someone’s said that.

But religion is simply incapable of much more than introducing us to God.


Photo Credit: Max Boschini

Photo Credit: Max Boschini


Now I’m not saying a person can’t have a saving relationship with God through religion. But I am saying a person dedicated to religion often won’t have the intimacy with God we may desire.

Because when you think about it, religion is dedicated to finding our way to God through strict observance of rituals and stringent belief in doctrines.

Even many evangelical churches I’ve attended, who would claim they’re not that way, have their own set of rituals and doctrines that are just as sacrosanct as orthodox churches.


And let’s face it, we simply can’t follow all the rules perfectly enough to qualify for an intimate relationship with God.


As well as intimacy just doesn’t work that way in human relationships either.

Can you imagine a marriage built on following rules and rituals? Yeah, you may be married and function but it’s going to feel a little icy. Intimacy is emotional connection not obedience.

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How to Discover the Real Life You’ve Been Looking For

I find life often a paradox. Discovering a truly fulfilling life can be at times counter-intuitive.

I have friends, who by the world’s standards, have made it. They own businesses, have investments, live in big houses and drive expensive cars.

Yet, their lives are messy. Multiple marriages, health struggles, scant real friends and surprising insecurities.


Photo Credit: Gavin Clarke

Photo Credit: Gavin Clarke


I have other friends who would be considered perhaps less than the elite. They have middle class jobs, moderate IRA’s, live in tract homes and drive older mid-level cars.

Yet, they have a richness of life. Long time marriages, loving families, good friends and reasonable health.


So, sometimes I ask myself why, because frankly I’ve experienced both.


And sometimes I even find myself slipping back into a less than productive lifestyle.

Oh, thankfully not the divorce part. I’ve said, “I couldn’t ever imagine marrying someone else because I just can’t go through the training up period again.”

But what makes the difference?

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How to Connect With God in a Way That Changes Everything

I’m often puzzled by those who seem to make a commitment to God yet somehow it doesn’t exactly stick.

They go forward in a church service or pray at a retreat. Then drift back to the old ways.

I mean seems like it should work. They did all the right things.

Yet, soon they’re back in their previous life. Or are they?


Photo Credit: Tommy Clark

Photo Credit: Tommy Clark


I think often it’s worse. Something caused them to want a change. Some crisis or just being tired of it all.

So when they drift back the old ways don’t exactly work anymore. And now they’ve tried the “God thing” and that didn’t work either.



So often they feel worse off than before.


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How to Overcome Doubts to be Sure of Heaven

When I first entered into a relationship with God my life radically changed. It felt new, positive, uplifting. I looked forward to the adventure of this life and the one to come.

Yet, by the time I’d finished seminary it’d gone south. Sounds strange I know, but I was filled with doubts and worries. My spiritual life had become a nightmare.


Photo Credit: Tommy Clark

Photo Credit: Tommy Clark


One incident epitomizes this.

While having lunch with another student one afternoon, I asked him, “So do you believe a person can lose his salvation?”

“Absolutely,” he responded. “If he sins and hasn’t asked for forgiveness he would lose it.”

“Really,” I asked. “So let’s say I’m driving home after classes and a hot looking girl is walking down the sidewalk wearing a tight miniskirt and I have just the smallest lustful thought about her.”

I know you’re shocked thinking that could never possibly happen to someone in seminary.

“So I’m distracted, run a red light and get broadsided killing me instantly. Am I going to Heaven?”


Yikes, no wonder I felt depressed and frankly couldn’t wait to graduate.


I felt trapped. I couldn’t go back to my old way of life and I was suffocating in the new.


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Finding Courage in the Midst of Fearful Challenges

Number 55 in the series “God Rocks: 101 Amazing Everyday Gifts!” The miracles and promises of Jesus that show us the awesome blessings we can experience each day. I hope it encourages you!


I don’t think a day goes by that we’re not bombarded by things to be afraid of. It’s one of the benefits of being totally connected isn’t it?


Photo Credit: Alon

Photo Credit: Alon


I mean the stock market tanks and we fret about our financial future.

Some nut job sets off a bomb in a city and we fear for our safety.

An egomaniac with a nuke starts threatening World War 3 and we worry about our future and the future of our kids.

Add on top worrying about cancer, the latest resistant disease, heart attacks, Alzheimer’s.

Or how about just keeping our job in the next recession? Yikes!

I’ve said before, “I’m not surprised by all the people who go crazy. I’m only surprised there aren’t more.”

Then how we deal with it is often perhaps less than helpful? Maybe a little too much TV? Or a wee small dram too much alcohol? Or an extra dessert a little too often?


Yet, the fear doesn’t leave does it? Oh, maybe for a moment but it always comes sneaking back.


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How to Find Solutions When Your Feel Oppressed

Number 54 in the series “God Rocks: 101 Amazing Everyday Gifts!” The miracles and promises of Jesus that show us the awesome blessings we can experience each day. I hope it encourages you!


In California we’re in our fourth year of a drought. The government is completely unprepared. We’ve increased our population dramatically without increasing water storage. And California periodically has droughts. So surprise, now we’re running out of water.


Photo Credit: John Krzesinski

Photo Credit: John Krzesinski


So the governor proposed that everyone use 25 percent less water or pay a fine. So like brush my teeth only once a day? Flush the toilet every other time? Let our yard die? Really?

In addition to questioning the sanity of our state government once again it caused me to think about people who live under governments that really are oppressive. Who abuse their liberties continually.

And closer to home, those who work for organizations that are oppressive.

Yet, sometimes we just can’t escape. It’s currently not a reasonable option. So we struggle under the oppression.


In the midst we feel trapped. Like we’re suffocating. And we’re afraid.


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