“Many who seem to be the greatest will be the least and many who seem to be the least will be the greatest.” (Matthew 19: 30)
You may feel like you are the least yet God will make you the greatest.
spiritual hacks for a miraculous life
“Many who seem to be the greatest will be the least and many who seem to be the least will be the greatest.” (Matthew 19: 30)
You may feel like you are the least yet God will make you the greatest.
“Whoever tries to give themselves life will lose it, but whoever trusts me to give them life will find it.” (Matthew 16: 25)
Paradoxically, when you give up striving to find life and simply trust then you will discover it.
“Jesus said, ‘Have courage! I’m here. Don’t be afraid.'” (Matthew 14: 27)
The answer to fear is courage. And the source of courage is knowing you’re never alone.
“For my ways are easy to follow, and my requirements are light.” (Matthew 11: 30)
Man’s ways burden you, Jesus’ ways set you free.
“Throw off all the things that weigh you down and instead walk with and learn from me. For I am gentle and my ways are quiet and you will find rest for your soul.” (Matthew 11: 29)
Man’s ways promise burdens but Jesus promises peace.
“Come to me, all of you who are weary and weighed down with heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11: 28)
When our burdens become too great it’s then we discover Jesus who promises to carry them.
“Two sparrows cost a penny yet not one of them falls to the ground without your Father knowing it. Yet, even the hairs of your head are numbered. So don’t be afraid, you are worth far more than a flock of sparrows to your Father.” (Matthew 10: 30)
The size of what you fear is no match for the size of God’s love.
“Jesus saw their faith and said to the man, ‘Be encouraged my son, your sins are forgiven.'” (Matthew 9: 2)
Others may heal your body, Jesus will heal your soul.
“Keep on seeking and you will find.” (Matthew 7: 7)
As I’ve sought answers you’ve given me light,
As I’ve sought understanding you’ve given me sight.
As I’ve sought peace you’ve given me comfort,
As I’ve sought love you’ve given me your presence.
Thank you.
“Don’t worry about tomorrow, God will help you deal with it’s challenges then. Have faith for today, that is enough.” (Matthew 6: 34)
So often I worry about tomorrow and miss seeing your blessings today,
Yet, you bless me each day, day by day.
Help me to focus on your blessings today instead of worrying about tomorrow,
Fill me with faith for today and peace for tomorrow.
I write about how to discover the miraculous life God offers each of us, from a non-religious perspective.
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