Refreshed in Desert

“The one who meditates on God’s promises is like a tree planted by a flowing stream.”  (Psalm 1: 2-3)


You may face droughts in life but God’s love is a flowing stream of refreshing water.



   I’ve faced droughts in my life at times,

      yet your life giving water continually flows refreshing me.

   Remind me of that when I’m in the desert,

      lead me once again to your life giving stream,

      and I will drink and be refreshed yet again.



Rejoicing in the Midst of Struggles

“Blessed is the person . . . who delights in God’s promises.”  (Psalm 1: 1-2)


God’s promises delight because they show us what can be rather than only what is.



   When I’m feeling overwhelmed with challenges,

     your promises fill me with joy,

     they show me life as you promise rather than as it is.

   Help me to focus on you and your promises,

      seeing clearly through eyes of faith,

      the blessings you offer and are filling my life.



The Cure for Every Fear

“I prayed to God and he answered me; he delivered me from all of my fears.” (Psalm 34:4)


We may have much to fear, God gives us every reason not too.



I thank you that even though I have many things to fear,

   you have promises that overcome every one.

In the midst of the darkness of fear,

   help me to see the light of your promises,

   and walk in the dawn of your fulfillment.


The Gift of Peace

“Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace to all people upon whom God’s favor rests.” (Luke 2: 14)


You can strive for peace and never find it.  Or find it in God when you stop striving.



Thank you for your gift of peace that goes beyond all understanding.

Help me to rest in you.  That I may rest in your peace.


When God Reached Down in Love

“Today, in the town of David, your Savior has been born, he is Christ the Lord.” (Luke 2:11)


Instead of requiring you to reach up to him, God reached down to you in love.



I praise you that you love me so much you would send your only son to be my Savior.

I release my life into your love and guidance.  And rest in the grace of your love.


The Cure for Worry

“Leave all your worries with God because he cares for you.” (1 Peter 5:7)


When you focus on God’s promised blessings it takes your eyes off of your worries.



Thank you that you love me and take care of all my needs.

Help me to trust rather than worry.  Fill me with peace in place of anxiety.


The Cure for Worry

“Don’t worry about anything.  Instead pray with thanksgiving about everything.”  (Philippians 4:6)


We can worry or we can pray and praise.  But we can’t do both.



Thank you for you peace and comfort.  For overcoming my worries with your promises.

Help me to rest in your power instead of wrestling in my worries.


Safe in the Storms

“When trouble comes He will keep me safe in his dwelling, he will hide me in the shelter of his tent and set me high upon the rocks.” (Psalm 27:5)


God doesn’t take us out of troubling times but keeps us safe in the midst.



I praise you that in the midst of troubling times you have always protected me.

Keep me safe and secure.  Help me rest in your peace even in the storms.


You Can Have Courage and Confidence

“Don’t be afraid or discouraged.  Because the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9)


Wherever life takes you there God is with you.



I praise you for being with me.  Every day.  Every where.  Every moment.

Fill me with your courage and confidence.  Help me relax in your presence.



Finding Unimaginable Rest

“For I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” (Matthew 11:28-30)


When you are most troubled God’s rest becomes most real.



Thank you that in my most desperate times, when I’m most distressed, you bring me your rest.

Give me your peace beyond understanding.  Fill me with your rest beyond imagination.

And I will escape from the shadows into your glorious light.
