Tasting All the Goodness of Life

“You are the salt of the world.”  (Matthew 5: 13)


   Thank you for blessing me with all the rich flavors of life to enjoy.

      And giving me the privilege of offering others a taste as well.

   Help me to savor all the riches you provide,

       And to share with others the banquet you give.


Seeing God

“Blessed are those whose hearts have been made pure for they will see God.”  (Matthew 5: 8)



   Thank you that no matter my sins you forgive and make me pure.

      And in that purity then I can see you.

   Forgive my failures, purify me by your grace,

      And let me see you in all your glory.



Gaining Gifts I Can Never Achieve

“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst to be right with God, for they will find fulfillment.”  (Matthew 5: 6)



   Thank you for accepting me even though I can never be perfect enough to deserve it.

      And that as I seek to please you, you fill me with blessings beyond any I could gain.

   Give me your peace, fill me with your joy, let me feel your love.

      Help me to rest in your righteousness and gain that which I can never achieve.




Receiving All God’s Promises

“Blessed are the humble, for they will inherit the whole earth.”  (Matthew 5: 5)



   Thank you that when I am powerless you show yourself most  powerful,

      And when I am weakest you give me everything I could never give myself.

   Give me your promises, bless me with your blessings.

      Fill me with your confidence, help me to expect your unimaginable.


Comfort in Sorrow

“Blessed are those who mourn for they will find comfort.”  (Matthew 5: 4)



   When I’ve felt I lost everything then I’ve found your greatest gifts.

      When I’ve cried the hardest you’ve given me comfort that’s deepest.

   Be with me in my times of sorrow, comfort me in my times of grief,

      Give me eyes to see through the tears and hope beyond today.



Living in God’s Kingdom

“Blessed are the poor in spirit, for they receive the kingdom of heaven.”  (Matthew 5: 3)



   Thank you that when I am down you lift me up,

      And when I feel worthless you show me your kingdom.

   Let me live in your kingdom though I can never deserve it.

     And fill me with your confidence though I can never create it.


Salvation is Completed

“They will declare to future generations how the Lord saved his people.  He finished it.”  (Psalm 22: 31)



   Thank you that in your grace alone I am saved,

      And by your act of supreme love, as you proclaimed, it is finished.

   Save me by your power, accept me by your grace.

      And fill me with confidence in your promise that truly it is finished.


Needs Fulfilled, Joy Infused

“The poor will eat until they are full; those who seek the Lord will praise him now and rejoice forever.”  (Psalm 22: 26)



   I praise you that when I’ve been most needy you have been most generous.

      And I praise you that you fill me with joy both now and forever.

   Meet me in my need, feed me until I’m full,

      Fill me with your joy for today and forever.


Answers When You Need It Most

“He does not ignore the suffering of the poor; he does not turn away from them, but answers when they cry for help.”  (Psalm 22: 24)



   When I’ve been hurting you’ve been with me healing,

      And when I cry for help you are with me answering.

   Be with me now, hear my prayers, answer my crys.

      And give me peace in expecting and confidence in seeing.


Never Disappointed

“To you my forefathers cried out and were saved; they trusted you and were never disappointed.” (Psalm 22: 5)



   Thank you that when I’ve cried out in need you have always answered,

      When I trust in you for your answers I am never disappointed.

   Today, be with me in my needs, answer my prayers with your power.

      Help me to ask for what you delight to give, and to expect what you promise.
