Care and Confidence

“So don’t worry.  If God wonderfully cares for the wildflowers which bloom today and wither tomorrow he will certainly care for every need you have.  Have more faith than that.” (Matthew 6: 30)



When I begin to worry I can look around at how you care for even the flowers,

And remember how you have cared for me through it all.

When I start to doubt help me to see in faith your loving care,

And help me to rest from worry so I can appreciate your blessings.



The Cure for Worry

“Look at the birds, they don’t plant or harvest or store up crops, for your Father feeds them.  Aren’t you far more valuable to him than they are?” (Matthew 6: 26)



   When I start to worry then I remember how you care for even birds,

      And how much more valuable I am to you than they are.

   Fill me with confidence in your care which brings peace,

      And the expectation of it which opens my eyes to see it.


Light in the Darkness

“Your eyes are like a lamp.  When you open your eyes to God by faith your mind and body will be filled of light. (Matthew 6: 22)



   Thank you for bringing light into the darkness in which I once lived,

      And for filling me with your light every day.

   Help me to see with eyes of faith,

      Fill me with your light and dispel any darkness.


Blessings Now, Rewards Forever

“Store up for yourself treasures in heaven where nothing can destroy them and no one can steal them.” (Matthew 6: 20)



   Thank you for all the blessings you have given me in my life,

      And that my rewards in Heaven are even greater and perfectly secure.

   Give me your blessings on earth and your rewards in Heaven,

      And fill me with confidence that I will live forever enjoying both.


Rewards and Blessings

“Your Father who sees what you privately do out of devotion to him will reward you.” (Matthew 6: 18)



   You have rewarded me well, blessed me beyond my dreams,

      And what I give in secret to you, you multiply in blessings back to me.

   Help me to expect your blessings which encourages me to give freely.

      And reward me with your blessings that are multiples of what I give.


Praying and Receiving What You Truly Need

“When you pray don’t babble on and on. . . . instead just pray simply, for your Father knows what you need before you even ask him.”  (Matthew 6: 7-8)



   Thank you that sometimes you’ve answered my prayers by not giving what I’ve asked,

      And instead giving me what you know I truly need.

   Help me to pray simply for what I want,

      And expect boldly that you’ll give me what I truly need.


The Secret to Effective Prayer

“When you pray, find a secluded place and pray to your Father in private.  Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret will reward you.”  (Matthew 6: 6)



   How you love to hear my prayers and how I love your presence when praying,

      And how you love to answer my secret prayers with your open blessings.

   Help me to learn to pray quickly and to anticipate your answers fully,

      And answer my secret prayers with abundant rewards.


Gifts Upon Gifts

“Your Father, as he watches you quietly giving to others in love, will reward you.”  (Matthew 6: 4)



   You have given me so much, you have blessed me beyond imagination,

      And when I share some of what you’ve given you fill it back up with even more.

   Help me to view life through eyes of plenty and opportunities for sharing,

      Fill my life with all of your blessings until they overflow in blessings to others.


God’s Gift of Guidance

“If you treasure God’s word so much that you share it you will have great honor in Heaven.”  (Matthew 5: 19)



  Thank you for your word that brings life to my soul and light to my eyes,

      I treasure it because it dispels my darkness and illuminates my path.

   Help me to understand it, fill me with joy to share it.

      Guide me with wisdom from it and fill me with the light of it.


Light in the Darkness

“You are the light of the world.” (Matthew 5: 14)



   Thank you for filling the darkness of my soul with your glorious light,

      And the joy of your light shining through me to illuminate others.

   Fill me with your light, chase out every sliver of darkness.

      And help me to shine your light into the darkness around me.
