“I desire compassion not rituals, grace not condemning the innocent. For the Son of Man is Lord even over the Sabbath.” (Matthew 12: 7-8)
Jesus offers grace instead of rituals and forgiveness instead of condemnation.
spiritual hacks for a miraculous life
“I desire compassion not rituals, grace not condemning the innocent. For the Son of Man is Lord even over the Sabbath.” (Matthew 12: 7-8)
Jesus offers grace instead of rituals and forgiveness instead of condemnation.
“For my ways are easy to follow, and my requirements are light.” (Matthew 11: 30)
Man’s ways burden you, Jesus’ ways set you free.
“Throw off all the things that weigh you down and instead walk with and learn from me. For I am gentle and my ways are quiet and you will find rest for your soul.” (Matthew 11: 29)
Man’s ways promise burdens but Jesus promises peace.
“Come to me, all of you who are weary and weighed down with heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11: 28)
When our burdens become too great it’s then we discover Jesus who promises to carry them.
“Jesus said, ‘All things have been entrusted to me by my Father. No one truly knows the Son except the Father. And no one truly knows the Father except the Son and those who by faith receive me.'” (Matthew 11: 27)
The mysteries of God aren’t revealed by education but by revelation to those wanting to receive them.
“Jesus prayed, ‘I praise you Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that you have hidden your deep truths from those who boast of their wisdom and revealed them to the those who accept them by faith like little children.'” (Matthew 11: 25)
True wisdom is given not to those who boast of it but those who by faith trust in it.
“The lowliest person in the kingdom of heaven is greater than the greatest person here on earth.” (Matthew 11: 11)
Your value doesn’t come from what you own but rather from whose child you are.
“Jesus said, ‘God blesses those who accept and believe in me.'” (Matthew 11: 6)
Believing that Jesus is who he said he was unleashes the blessings he said he would give.
“Jesus said, ‘Go back and tell John the miracles you are seeing: the blind see, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised and the poor hear and are saved by the good news.” (Matthew 11: 4-5)
Your challenges may be great but God’s power is even greater.
“If you give even a cup of cool water to one of the lowliest of my followers you will gain your reward.” (Matthew 10: 42)
The smallest act of love is multiplied into the greatest act of reward.
I write about how to discover the miraculous life God offers each of us, from a non-religious perspective.
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