Jesus is With You

“Where two or three gather together in my name, I am there with them.” (Matthew 18: 20)

When you gather together with other believers to pray and encourage each other Jesus is present with you.

Angels Watching Over You

“Don’t look down on any of my dear children.  For I assure you their personal angels always have the attention of my Father in heaven.”  (Matthew 18: 10)

As God’s child your personal angels are always watching over you.

Learning the Secrets of the Kingdom

“This is my own dearly loved son, who I am delighted with.  Listen to him!” (Matthew 17:5)

Others may be prophets but there is only one true son.  So listen to him and learn the secrets of the kingdom.

Living in the Kingdom

“I assure you, some here will not die before they see the Son of Man coming in the glory of his kingdom.” (Matthew 16:28)

Jesus is lord of lords and king of kings.  And we live in his kingdom by faith alone.

Our All Powerful God

“The Son of Man will come with his angels in the glory of his Father, then he will give all of his promised gifts to those who have trusted in and walked with him.” (Matthew 16: 27)

Those who oppose God may be powerful but God is more powerful still.  And he will overcome them to give his gifts to those who trust him.

Finding Real Life

“Whoever tries to give themselves life will lose it, but whoever trusts me to give them life will find it.” (Matthew 16: 25)

Paradoxically, when you give up striving to find life and simply trust then you will discover it.

More Than Enough

“Everyone ate as much as they wanted.  Afterward they filled seven large baskets will all the leftover food.” (Matthew 15: 37)

When we trust God for our needs he surprises us with abundance.

Never Alone

“Immediately, Jesus reached out, caught Peter and said, ‘Why do you have such little faith and doubt?'” (Matthew 14: 31)

Even when we doubt and sink Jesus catches us.

The Most Valuable Gift

“The kingdom of heaven is like a jeweler looking for pearls.  He found one that was perfect so he sold all that he owned and bought it.” (Matthew 13: 45-46)

Living in God’s kingdom is of more value than anything because it brings all things.

The Priceless Treasure

“The kingdom of heaven is like a priceless treasure hidden in a field.  A man finds it, hides it again, then in joy sells all he owns to buy that field.”  (Matthew 13: 44)

God’s kingdom is a priceless treasure that can only be bought by committing your whole life to him.