Never Thirsty Again

“Everyone who drinks this water will grow thirsty again.  But whoever drinks the water I give will never thirst again.” (John 4: 13-14)



Thank you for giving me the water that fills up my thirst,

And for the life which goes on forever.

Give me your living water day by day,

Fill up my deepest thirst with your living presence.


New Life Now and Forever

“The one who accepts and trusts in God’s Son already has new life now and for all eternity.” (John 3: 36)



Thank you for taking me from darkness to light,

And giving me abundant life now and for all eternity.

When I question it give me confidence,

And when I worry give me peace.


Unlimited Power

“The Father loves the Son and has given him power over everything.” (John 3: 35)



Thank you for giving Jesus all power,

And for all the blessings I have received through his power.

Give me your gifts, bless me in your power,

And help me to believe in your power so I can see it.


Perfect Guidance

“The one whom God sent speaks the very words of God because God filled him with his Spirit without limit.” (John 3: 34)



Thank you that you loved me enough to send your Son,

And for your words which guide me every day.

Help me to hear your guidance,

And trust it so I might see it fulfilled.


Promises Fulfilled

“Whoever accepts Jesus’ message can affirm that God is truthful.” (John 3: 33)



Thank you for your promises that are true,

That you have proven to me many times.

Give me faith to believe in them without doubt,

And eyes to see them fulfilled without question.


Words of Truth and Life

“The one who comes from heaven testifies of what he has seen and heard.  Yet, many refuse to listen.” (John 3: 32)



Your words are truth and life,

Thank you for guiding and renewing me through them,

Help me to listen,

And help me to believe.


The Greatest

“The one who comes from heaven to earth is greater than anyone else, the one born on earth is of the earth, the one who comes from heaven is above all.” (John 3: 31)



You are the greatest of the great,

Thank you that I am your child,

Help me never to doubt you,

Help me to live always trusting you.


Living in the Light

“God’s light streamed into the world.  But some people rejected it because they want to live in darkness.” (John 3: 19)



Thank you for your light which fills my life,

With direction, warmth and love.

Guide me in living fully in that light,

And in helping others to discover it.



“Whoever trusts in God’s Son is set free.  And whoever doesn’t trust has condemned himself.” (John 3: 18)



Thank you that in your grace I am set free,

And that your grace will never let me go.

When I forget help me to remember,

When I doubt help me to believe.


Eternal Confidence

“God did not send his Son into the world to condemn it but rather to save it.” (John 3: 17)



Thank you for sending your son to bring light into our world,

And for the salvation you have given me through him.

Help me to rest in confidence in your promise,

And to rest in peace in your love.
